
Simple Description: When going on other blockchain explorers (ex:,, etc) to view account transaction histories, there's usually an extra step/click necessary to view the actions done in a transaction. This makes viewing account transactions unintuitive and a hassle to sift through. This hack tries to take the furthest approach to abstraction and only display information the average user would want to see, such as a transaction description and removing details such as tx fees and the block the tx was done in. Although these details are important for many people, I believe this abstracted approach is mostly preferred by the average user who checks their wallet on a frequent basis or does not know/care much about the blockchain details much.

Tracks Chosen & Why:

Track 1 - Human Readable Txes: A human-readable, UX-friendly account transaction viewer making use of Helius APIs

Track 2 - Student Track: I am enrolled in a local community college and start my first semester as my freshman today. The repo was initialized on Jan 11th, one day after the start of the hackathon, and I started actually working on the project on Jan 15th. (further details for this track below)

Pitch Deck: None Live Demo: Github Link: Is your github open sourced: Yes Twitter Thread: