
emacs support for the Zine static site generator

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


a simple tree-sitter major mode for the Zine static site generator and Emacs >=29.

to use with straight.el and straight-use-package, add the following to your configuration:

(use-package zine-mode
  :straight (zine-mode
             :type git
             :host github
             :repo "robbielyman/zine-mode"
             :branch "main"))

to use the superhtml LSP with eglot, add the following to your configuration:

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             '((zine-superhtml-mode :language-id "superhtml") "superhtml" "lsp"))

NB: this assumes that superhtml is on your PATH.