Calculate section properties for reinforced concrete sections.
- 10
Add support for ACI 318-19
#76 opened by Lomarandil - 2
Python 3.12
#110 opened by haiderali101 - 4
- 5
The neutral axis should not be theta
#94 opened by jiandong-qiao - 0
Update to support sectionproperties v3
#87 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 3
Plotting stresses fails in some cases
#84 opened by ccaprani - 2
- 2
- 1
- 4
Feature request: add consideration of axial load to moment curvature analyses
#44 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 5
Small ambiguity in the docs for net axial load definitions for ultimate_bending_capacity() methods.
#67 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 3
pip install doesn't include design_codes
#71 opened by skane88 - 2
Further refinement of moment interaction n_points, n_spacing when max_comp truncates M/N diagram?
#70 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 2
- 0
- 0
- 1
Analysing doubly symmetric reinforced section at 45 degree angle, weird behaviour, crashes kernel...?
#58 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 1
find concrete_section.ultimate_bending_capacity() needs method for max compression load check
#41 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 4
- 8
- 0
Analysis assumptions in docs
#52 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 0
Add warning for simple stress-strain profiles re:moment-curvature analysis
#54 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 0
AS3600 Moment Interaction - change theta
#45 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 7
- 5
Odd moment curvature results....
#49 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 1
m_xy results not maintaining sign at max tension/max compression for plotting
#43 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 9
- 0
Remove alpha_squash from Concrete object
#34 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 8
Plot Stress Error
#33 opened by afugur - 4
Speed up with multiprocessing
#29 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 0
Expanded Material Module
#22 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 5
Neutral axis depth range for M-N interaction diagram not accounting for gamma effect for full section depth being in compression
#26 opened by Agent6-6-6 - 0
- 0
Interaction Diagram Features
#20 opened by robbievanleeuwen - 3
- 3
- 1
Activate "Discussions" tab! :)
#2 opened by connorferster