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Jfrog Container Registry.

This can be used to setup a Jfrog Container Registry Server.
Jfrog Container Registry - https://jfrog.com/container-registry/

A default system.yaml configuration file provided. This file can be modified according to the needs.

Docker Compose Version.

Always validate that docker-compose version is latest. If not then use the latest released version. As of updating this document v2.24.0 was latest released version.

Starting the container.

docker-compose up -d

Checking the container logs.

docker-compose logs -f

Once Container is successfully created, we can access the webui in the browser - http://IPADDR_OF_SYSTEM

  • Default username and password - admin/password

Jfrog Container Registry provides an initial onboarding wizard. We need to follow the wizard to setup the configuration. For this follow Additional Configuration.

Jfrog Container Registry Documentation

Backup and Restore

Upgrading Jfrog Container Registry

Interacting with Jfrog Container Registry

Some helpful resources.