
Kiwi TCMS deployment

Primary LanguageShell


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Kiwi TCMS.

This can be used to setup a Kiwi TCMS Server.
Kiwi TCMS - https://kiwitcms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Since the Kiwi TCMS image default uses non-root user in image and this user does not have write permission to host directory with bind mount. Need to perform followings to make it work with bind mount.

mkdir -p ./kiwitcms-data/uploads
chown -R 1001:1001 ./kiwitcms-data

For backup of pgsql database we will need to create a directory and set the correct ownership.

mkdir -p ./pgsql-db/backups
chown -R 1000:1000 ./pgsql-db/backups

Docker Compose Version.

Always validate that docker-compose version is latest. If not then use the latest released version. As of updating this document v2.24.0 was latest released version.

Custom configurations.

If required then add/update custom configurations in Custom Configuration

Starting the container.

docker-compose up -d

Checking the container logs.

docker-compose logs -f

Initial configuration setup.

  • Initialize the database.
docker-compose exec -it kiwitcms /Kiwi/manage.py migrate
  • Create initial admin user.
docker-compose exec -it kiwitcms /Kiwi/manage.py createsuperuser
  • Refresh permissions for admin user.
docker-compose exec -it kiwitcms /Kiwi/manage.py refresh_permissions
  • Configure domain name.
docker-compose exec -it kiwitcms /Kiwi/manage.py set_domain kiwitcms.mydomain.com
  • Testing email configuration.
docker-compose exec -it kiwitcms /Kiwi/manage.py sendtestemail EMAIL_ADDRESS

Once Initial setup is completed, we can access the webui in the browser - http://IPADDR_OF_SYSTEM

Backup and Restore

Upgrading Kiwi TCMS