
GNU Stow chef cookbook

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

stow (Chef cookbook)

Supermarket Build Status


A simple chef cookbook to install GNU stow via package management or source if a package is not available.


  • ['stow']['path'] = '/usr/local/stow' path stow command uses for symlinking packages and libraries
  • ['stow']['target'] = '/usr/local' target directory for stow managed symlinks, defaults to stow path's parent directory
  • ['stow']['version'] = '2.2.0' current version of stow for source installations
  • ['stow']['prev_version'] = nil previous version of stow (to destow) when upgrading to a new version
  • ['stow']['src_url'] = 'http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/stow/stow-2.2.0.tar.gz' URL for latest stow source tarball
  • ['stow']['rpm_url'] = 'http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/stow-2.2.0-1.el6.noarch.rpm' URL for latest RPM package
  • ['stow']['deb_url'] = 'http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/stow/stow_2.2.0-2_all.deb' URL for latest debian package


Add the recipes to the run_list, it should probably be towards the beginning:


Configure attributes:

"stow" : {
  "path" : "/opt/local/stow",
  "version" : "2.2.0",
  "prev_version" : "2.1.3"