
A persistence layer for a routing network and mechanisms to determine minimum paths from one node to another.

To setup and test:

npm install
npm test

To make this work:

Install neo4j locally. Set the password for the 'neo4j' user to 'macro7'.

npm install
gulp build
npm start

This will start the rest server.

To run imports from files to build the network (takes about 20 seconds now.:

npm run import

The network consists of a warehouse node type where products or "products" can reside: Warehouses (BDWP and SuperDC's), Seller (Sweeps and doesn't sweep), or Satellite for Warehouses

Docker: to build and run a docker image locally:

docker build -t m-routingservice . -f Docker_micro.docker

docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -e NODE_ENV=local --rm --name routingservice bd-routingservice

docker stop [container id]

cleanup: docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)

Continuous Integration:

The build and test pipeline is at: as routing service.

Deployment is to AWS through a build pipeline:


  • CLI for imports