
Debug commands for setting up a Pi

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Debug commands for setting up a Pi

I created this script to capture information people ask for when they are asking for help in setting up a Pi or Octoprint. The output has xml tags to seperate the different commands and their outputs. Download the script and chmod +x for execution and it should run. The output file is names DiagoutYEARSECONDS.xml. The YEARSECONDS is automatically appended to give a somewhat unique file name. The script will then test to see if there is a working network by pinging www.pastebin.com. If successful it will upload the file. If not it will ask for you to do it. Sometimes the whole file does not get uploaded, so keep the file as it might be needed by the person asking for the informations.

Currently collects info on the Pi (HW & SW), various applications (PHP, Apache2, wiringPi) network data, syslog (last 100 entires) and the dmesg output.

To use the xml formatting download the diagout.xsl file to the same directory as the output file and have a browser (Safari works) open it. You should see each section highlighted. If the format file is not there, then some browsers will diaplay the file with handles that allow the various sections to be collapsed for easier viewing.

It has command line arguements now: a = all l = logs s = system i = hardware h = help n = network

The PASTEBIN upload code was leveraged from this program:


Many thanks to the author for creating it.

The xml stylesheet reference is from a good friend who helps me out with all my programming:


Had to handle less than and ampersand characters in the log file output so they wouldn't screw up the xml formatting. The link below helped with a sed command to do this:


(Thanks once again to Tom!)