
Python/Twisted library for polling a Redis queue for messages.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Through pip:

pip install tx-redis-poller


Subclass and instantiate:

from txredispoller import RedisPoller

class MyPoller(RedisPoller):
    def on_message(self, message):
        # Do whatever you need to do when you receive a message
        print message

poller = MyPoller("queue-to-listen-on")


# since it is Twisted-based, we'll need to start the reactor for anything
# to happen



__init__(self, queue_name, redis=None, redis_config=None, prefetch_count=10, poll_delay=0.1)

Construct a new instance of a Redis poller.

  • queue_name - (string) The queue that we want to listen on.
  • redis - (txredis client) A connection to Redis using txredis that is already set up. Useful for when you have multiple queues you want to poll with, but only want one connection.
  • redis_config - (tuple (host, port), default: ("localhost", 6379)) The hostname and port that Redis is listening on.
  • prefetch_count - (int, default: 10) How many messages to fetch at a time from Redis.
  • poll_delay - (float, default: 0.1) How long to wait in seconds between fetches. Higher numbers will be less CPU-intensive, lower numbers will mean your messages get received sooner.


Start the Redis poller. This does not actually do anything until the Twisted reactor is started.