
Simple script to trigger an ESXi server shutdown if a Cyberpower UPS registers a low battery state

Primary LanguagePython


Triggers a VMware vCenter deployment shutdown (i.e. of the vcenter server vm and all vms it manages) if a Tripplite or Cyberpower UPS gets below a certain percentage battery remaining.


  • A Tripplite UPS with a SNMPWEBCARD device, or a Cyberpower UPS with an RMCARD remote access module
  • UPS assigned an IP address and SNMP v1 enabled via the web GUI
  • VMware vCenter host managing 1 or more ESXi systems (tested with vCenter 7)


These instructions are written for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Install some base dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-venv
    sudo apt-get install -y libsnmp-dev snmp-mibs-downloader

Create the virtual environment:

    sudo mkdir /opt/vcenterups_util
    sudo chown ${USER}:{GROUP} /opt/vcenterups_util
    git clone https://github.com/robby-dermody/vcenterups_util.git /opt/vcenterups_util
    python3 -m venv /opt/vcenterups_util/env
    /opt/vcenterups_util/env/bin/pip3 install -U easysnmp pyyaml requests

Create a role, user and mapping in vCenter

In vCenter, under Administration -> Roles, create a new user role called vcenterups Users and give it the following permissions:

Virtual Machine -> Power off
Virtual Machine -> Power on

Then under Administration -> Users and Groups, create a new user named vcenterups_user and assign it a secure password.

Finally, under Administration -> Global Permissions, add a mapping entry for vcenterups_user to assign it the vcenterups Users role. Make sure Propagate to children is checked.

Set up configuration

Copy the conf/vcenterups_util.yaml.orig configuration file template to conf/vcenterups_util.yaml and modify as necessary. Multiple deployment sections can be added to support multiple vcenter system/UPS combinations.

Once done copying and editing this file, properly set its permissions:

chmod 600 conf/vcenterups_util.yaml

Allow shutdown command access from non-root user

The program needs to be able to shutdown the system from the command line without running as root. To allow this, run the following command as the user you intend to run the program as:

sudo bash -c "echo '${USER} ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/shutdown' > /etc/sudoers.d/vcenterups_util"


Edit vcenterups_util.yaml and set initiate_shutdown_at_batt_pct_remaining to 100 temporarily to get the program to trigger when run. Test the script by running ~/vcenterups_util/env/bin/python3 ~/vcenterups_util/vcenterups_util.py --debug --dry-run. You should see it run and print out the ESXi server information to screen. CTRL-C to terminate the program and then modify the initiate_shutdown_at_batt_pct_remaining value back to the desired value.


Unplug the UPS and run tail -f logs/vcenterups_util.log. You should see the script run every minute. When the percent battery remaining reaches the value you set for initiate_shutdown_at_batt_pct_remaining in your config, you should see it command your ESXi server to shutdown all VMs and shut itself down.

Set up to run on startup

You can have the vcenterups_util daemon start on startup via running the following command:

sudo tee "/etc/systemd/system/vcenterups_util.service" > /dev/null <<EOF

ExecStart=/opt/vcenterups_util/env/bin/python3 /opt/vcenterups_util/vcenterups_util.py
User=`id -un`
Group=`id -gn`


Followed by:

sudo systemctl enable vcenterups_util
sudo systemctl start vcenterups_util