a GPT-3 twitter bot
env file
API_KEY= twitter API key
API_SECRET= twitter API secret
API_TOKEN= twitter API token
ACCESS_TOKEN= access token for the account you're posting to
ACCESS_SECRET= secret token for the account you're posting to
TARGET_USER= user that you're scraping tweets from
DB_PORT= database port
DB_HOST= database host
MYSQL_DATABASE= database name
MYSQL_USER= database username
MYSQL_PASSWORD= database password
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD= database root password (for docker)
OPENAI_KEY= OpenAI secret key (for generating tweets)
MODEL_01= ID for the first trained model (4 epochs)
MODEL_02= ID for the second trained model (3 epochs, generally the best tweets)
MODEL_03= ID for the third trained model (2 epochs, generally under-trained)
QUEUE= relative path to the curated tweets ready to load into the queue
TEST_TOKEN= access token for test account
TEST_SECRET= secret token for test account