Note: this is old, naive code from a school project that I haven't touched in years. Using an object-oriented approach would have been a lot better. The signal processing bits are sound so use those for inspiration, but I discourage use of anything else here. It would be better to make your own processing scripts that you can understand and maintain yourself. I will not make any changes to this code, but you can ask questions about the signal processing aspects.
MATLAB functions and scripts for processing electromyography (EMG) signals.
Originally written for data from a CleveMed BioRadio comparing the tricep and
deltoid during dumbbell press and perfect pushup, so some things (such as the
script) are specific to that, but most things will work for any EMG
These scripts make use of structs to store and pass EMG data between functions. An EMG struct has the following elements:
Element | Meaning |
signal |
A list of the EMG samples |
time |
A list of time values corresponding to the samples, starting from 0 |
l |
the length (number of samples) of the signal |
starts |
A list of the indexes of 'start' event markers |
stops |
A list of the indexes of 'stop' event markers |
n |
The number of pairs of 'start' and 'stop' event markers |
fs |
The sampling frequency in Hz |
The process
script stores data in four-dimensional arrays with the first
index corresponding to subject number, the second corresponding to exercise, the
third corresponding to rep number, and the fourth corresponding to muscle
number; i.e. movingrms(subject, exercise, rep, muscle)
. To get all of a
certain index (e.g. all reps for a specific subject, exercise, and muscle) use
a colon (:
) in place of the index (e.g. array(subject, exercise, :, muscle)
imports emg data from a csv file with the following columns:
deltoid, tricep, start events, stop events
For example:
deltoid, tricep, Start, End,
-0.035858154296875, 0.444793701171875, 0, 0,
0, 0.428009033203125, 0, 0,
-0.018310546875, 0.516510009765625, 0, 0,
Usage: [delt, tri] = importemg(filename, fs);
where filename
is the name of the
file from which the data is to be imported and fs
is the sampling frequency.
and tri
are EMG structs
Creates a list of time values starting from zero given a list of samples and the sampling frequency.
Usage: t = timebasis(signal, fs);
Where signal
is the signal for which the time basis is to be created and fs
is the sampling frequency in Hz. t
is a list of time values corresponding to
the samples in signal
Butterworth band-pass filters an EMG struct with a passband of 20-400 Hz
unless cutoff frequencies are specified.
filtered = filteremg(unfiltered);
filtered = filteremg(unfiltered,fl,fh);
where fl
is the low cutoff, and fh
is the high cutoff of the passband in Hz.
Notch-filters an EMG struct at 60 Hz to remove interference from electrical systems.
Usage: filtered = deMainsEMG(unfiltered);
Extracts a portion of an EMG signal using the start and stop endpoints.
Usage: exerpt = exerpt(emg, n);
Where n
specifies which pair of start/stop event markers to use. For example,
excerpt(emg, 3);
returns the signal between the third 'start' event marker,
and the third 'stop' event marker. Problems may occur if the event markers
don't line up, for example if there's an extra 'start' at the beginning of the
Calculates the root mean square (RMS) of every n
samples of an EMG signal
Usage: RMS = movingRMS(emg, n);
where RMS
and emg
are both emg structs, and n
is the number of samples to
take in each RMS calculation.
Process is a script that uses the above functions to automatically import, process, and store all the EMG data for the project. It produces 4-D arrays of EMG structs containing the filtered EMG data, and the moving RMS with a 20-sample window. It also produces a 4-D array of the total RMS values.
Creates a plot of an EMG signal including 'start' and 'stop' event markers.
Usage: plotemg(emg);
where emg
is an EMG struct. The signal is blue, 'start' events are green,
and 'stop' events are red.
Same as plotemg
but allows specification of a color and line style for the
Usage: plotemg(emg,color);
where emg
is an EMG struct and color
is a
string specifying color and line style (e.g. 'r-'
for a red, solid line.
Plots the signals from both exercises and both muscles for a specified
subject and rep numbers.
Usage: compareplot(array, subject, drep, prep);
where array
is the 4-D
array from which to get the data, subject
is the subject number to use, drep
is the rep to use for the first exercise (dumbbell press) and prep
is the rep
number to use for the second exercise (perfect pushup).
Plots the spectrum of an EMG signal.
Usage: spectrumemg(emg);
where emg
is an EMG struct.