Vite + Tailwind Demo

  • Vite and Vitest
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • React Intl
  • React Router 6
  • Storybook
  • Mock Service Worker
  • Dark mode toggle
  • Extensive tests using React Testing Library
  • Storybook ESLint plugin
  • react-intl ESLint plugin to enforce formatted strings
  • formatjs ESLint plugin for automatic messages IDs.
  • Prettier
  • React Hook Form with a zod validator

pnpm required

This project uses pnpm so please install:

npm install -g pnpm

Then install the project dependencies with:

pnpm install


Start the app in dev mode:

pnpm dev

Start the test runner:

pnpm test

Run all tests and generate a coverage report:

pnpm test:coverage

Start Storybook:

pnpm storybook

Lint the code:

pnpm lint

Check the code formatting:

pnpm format:check

Format the code using prettier:

pnpm format

Extract embedded English strings ready for translation:

pnpm intl:extract