
Tool to manipulate image annotations in IIIF manifests

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple command-line tool to manipulate image annotations in IIIF manifests.

  • Requires Python 3.7 (or later).
  • Reads IIIF Presentation API V2 or V3 manifests from file or HTTP.
  • Extracts inline or standoff annotations from manifests.
  • Inserts inline or standoff annotations into manifests.
  • Reads and writes IIIF V2 annotations for V2 manifests and V3 annotations for V3 manifests.


iiifanno.py check -i mymanifest.json

Reads the manifest file mymanifest.json and prints some information about annotations in the manifest. You can also use a HTTP(S) URL instead of the file name.

iiifanno.py extract -i mymanifest.json -of myannos.json

Reads the manifest file mymanifest.json and writes all annotations into the file myannos.json. Writes an oa:AnnotationList for a IIIF V2 manifest and an AnnotationPage for V3 annotations.

iiifanno.py insert -i mymanifest.json  -if myannos.json -od newdirectory -om newmanifest.json

Reads the manifest file mymanifest.json and the annotations from the file myannos.json and creates new annotation list files and a new manifest file newmanifest.json in the directory newdirectory.

For more options see iiifanno.py -h:

usage: iiifanno.py [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT_MANIFEST] [-if INPUT_FILE] [-of OUTPUT_FILE]
                   [-od OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-om OUTPUT_MANIFEST] [--reference-mode {inline,reference}]
                   [--url-prefix URL_PREFIX] [--annolist-name-scheme {canvas,sequence}]
                   [-l {INFO,DEBUG,ERROR}]

Manipulate annotations in IIIF manifests.

positional arguments:
                        Action: check=check and print information about annotations in manifest,
                        extract=extract annotations from manifest, insert=insert annotations and create
                        new manifest.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -i INPUT_MANIFEST, --input-manifest INPUT_MANIFEST
                        Input manifest file or URL (JSON)
  -if INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        Input AnnotationPage/List file (JSON)
  -of OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output AnnotationPage/List file (JSON)
                        Output directory for AnnotationPage/List files (JSON)
  -om OUTPUT_MANIFEST, --output-manifest OUTPUT_MANIFEST
                        Output manifest file (JSON)
  --reference-mode {inline,reference}
                        Mode of storing annotations in manifest.
  --url-prefix URL_PREFIX
                        URL prefix for AnnotationPage/List references and manifest.
  --annolist-name-scheme {canvas,sequence}
                        Naming scheme for generated AnnotationPage/List files.
                        Log level.