Cause I love naming models <3
Despite its name, its not a waveform based VAE, but a melspec one with a melGAN decoder. There is also an adversarial regularization on the latent space in order to extract the loudness from it. That's actually pretty cool ! You can even use it on your dataset, and train the whole thing in maybe 2-4 days on a single GPU.
This model has realtime generation (on CPU, even if it can burn it lol, so you'd better stick to GPU) and a highly-compressed and expressive latent representation.
Train the spectral model
python -c vanilla --wav-loc YOUR_DATA_FOLDER --name ENTER_A_COOL_NAME
Remember to delete the preprocessed
folder between each training, as the models don't use the same preprocessing pipeline. (You can also outsmart us all and use the --lmdb-loc
flag with a different path for each model)
Train the waveform model
python -c melgan --wav-loc YOUR_DATA_FOLDER --name ENTER_THE_SAME_COOL_NAME
The training scripts logs into the runs
folder, you can visualize it using tensorboard
Onced both models are trained, trace them using
It will produce a traced script in runs/COOL_NAME/COOLNAME_LOTSOFWEIRDNUMBERS.ts
. It can be deployed, used in a libtorch C++ environement, inside a Max/MSP playground that won't be named here, without having to use the source code. AND if you want to use the swaggy realtime abilities of this model, just pass the --use-cached-padding true --buffer-size 2048
To compile the pd externals, you can use CMAKE
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release / Debug] -G [Ninja / Xcode / Makefile] ../
Or even better, use the precompiled binaries available in the Release section of this project.
Just remember to download the CUDA 10.1 cxx11 ABI version of libtorch and unzip it in /usr/lib/
(only tested on ubuntu 18.04 - 19.10 - 20.04)