
Blobscanner, a Processing's library for blob detection and analysis .

Primary LanguageJava


Blobscanner is a library for the Processing programming environment. It's used for blob detection and analysis in image and video.


The first thing you need to know, especially if you have already used a previous versions, is that the import name has changed from Blobscanner to blobscanner, to be more in line with the Java guidelines. The second thing is about the constructor of the Detector class, which also (for the new users) is the only class: two new constructors have been added:

	Detector(PApplet parent)	(1)  


	Detector(PApplet parent,int threshold)	(2)

if you use the #1 you need to call the method to set the blob's threshold value at least one time:

	setThreshold(int threshold)	(3)

The new constructors set automatically the area searched for blobs to the entire image, by default, but this behaviour can be altered by calling the following method:

	setRoi(int startx,int starty,int roiwidth,int roiheight)	(4)

#4 defines a Region Of Interest to be searched for blobs, minimizing the amount of pixels to be scanned, with a consequent increasing in the speed of execution. The method is paired with another one which revert to default the size of the ROI :

	unsetRoi()	(5)

after calling #5 the entire image is once again scanned for blob, as it was before calling #4.

The old constructor was left to provide some backward compatibility for users who decide to install the new version. It will be removed in a future release. Visit the project's site for informations and tutorials. Also from there you can download the zip archive containing executable jar file, docs and examples.