
Switchblade is an integration testing framework for Cloud Foundry v2b buildpacks. It enables test authors to write tests once, and then run them either against a real Cloud Foundry, or their local Docker daemon.

In either case, the author should only need to change the values passed to switchblade.NewPlatform to swap one platform for the other. No other changes to the test suite should be required.

In addition to the goal of platform swapping, Switchblade enables better testing of buildpack functionality including offline support and service-binding integrations. Both of these features are supported in a manner that best aligns with how a real buildpack user would use those features. That is to say, the Cloud Foundry platform only uses Cloud Foundry, and the Docker platform only uses Docker. There is no other "magic".


Running with Cloud Foundry

package integration_test

import (


  . "github.com/onsi/gomega"
  . "github.com/cloudfoundry/switchblade/matchers"

func TestCloudFoundry(t *testing.T) {
  var (
    Expect     = NewWithT(t).Expect
    Eventually = NewWithT(t).Eventually

  // Create an instance of a Cloud Foundry platform. A GitHub token is required
  // to make API requests to GitHub fetching buildpack details.
  platform, err := switchblade.NewPlatform(switchblade.CloudFoundry, "<github-api-token>")

  // Deploy an application called "my-app" onto Cloud Foundry with source code
  // located at /path/to/my/app/source. This is similar to the following `cf`
  // command:
  //   cf push my-app -p /path/to/my/app
  deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

  // Assert that the deployment logs contain a line that contains the substring
  // "Installing dependency..."
  Expect(logs).To(ContainLines(ContainSubstring("Installing dependency...")))

  // Assert that the deployment results in an application instance that serves
  // "Hello, world!" over HTTP.
  Eventually(deployment).Should(Serve(ContainSubstring("Hello, world!")))

  // Delete the application from the platform.

Running with Docker

package integration_test

import (


  . "github.com/onsi/gomega"
  . "github.com/cloudfoundry/switchblade/matchers"

func TestDocker(t *testing.T) {
  var (
    Expect     = NewWithT(t).Expect
    Eventually = NewWithT(t).Eventually

  // Create an instance of a Docker platform. A GitHub token is required to
  // make API requests to GitHub fetching buildpack details.
  platform, err := switchblade.NewPlatform(switchblade.Docker, "<github-api-token>")

  // Deploy an application called "my-app" onto Docker with source code
  // located at /path/to/my/app/source. This is similar to the following `cf`
  // command, but running locally on your Docker daemon:
  //   cf push my-app -p /path/to/my/app
  deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

  // Assert that the deployment logs contain a line that contains the substring
  // "Installing dependency..."
  Expect(logs).To(ContainLines(ContainSubstring("Installing dependency...")))

  // Assert that the deployment results in an application instance that serves
  // "Hello, world!" over HTTP.
  Eventually(deployment).Should(Serve(ContainSubstring("Hello, world!")))

  // Delete the application from the platform.

Specifying buildpacks: WithBuildpacks

// Deploy an application called "my-app" with source code located at
// /path/to/my/app/source. Only use the "ruby_buildpack" and the "go_buildpack".
// This is similar to the following `cf` command:
//   cf push my-app -p /path/to/my/app -b ruby_buildpack -b go_buildpack
deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.
  WithBuildpacks("ruby_buildpack", "go_buildpack").
  Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

Specifying environment variables: WithEnv

// Deploy an application called "my-app" with source code located at
// /path/to/my/app/source. This is similar to running the following `cf`
// command:
//   cf set-env my-app SOME_KEY some-value
deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.
    "SOME_KEY": "some-value",
  Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

Disabling internet access: WithoutInternetAccess

// Deploy an application called "my-app" with source code located at
// /path/to/my/app/source. This will disable internet access for the staging
// process.
deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.
  Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

Specifying service bindings: WithServices

// Deploy an application called "my-app" with source code located at
// /path/to/my/app/source. This is similar to running the following `cf`
// commands:
//   cf create-user-provided-service my-app-my-service -p '{"password": "its-a-secret!"}'
//   cf bind-service my-app my-app-my-service
deployment, logs, err := platform.Deploy.
    "my-service": {
      "password": "its-a-secret!",
  Execute("my-app", "/path/to/my/app/source")

Other utilities

Random name generation: RandomName

The switchblade.RandomName helper can generate random names. This is useful for keeping your applications reasonably namespaced in the shared platform. The names generated will include the prefix switchblade- following by a ULID.

name, err := switchblade.RandomName()
if err != nil {

fmt.Println(name) // Outputs: switchblade-<some-ulid>