
Another commandline todo app

Primary LanguageC


Current status

  • Not even close to v1.0
  • Runtime errors expected, experimenting with keystrokes
  • No tests right now but I use it every day


$CLERK = 'wherever your git clone finished'

Clone termbox and yajl


git submodule update --init

Build termbox

cd $CLERK/lib/termbox

./waf configure


rm build/src/libtermbox.so* => to use static lib

Build yajl

cd $CLERK/lib/yajl



Build clerk




  • p new project

  • P delete current project

  • E edit current project

  • t new todo

  • T delete current todo

  • e edit current todo

  • L load config

  • ? show help

  • S save to JSON file

  • Q quit

  • Movement: vi-style

  • SPACE toggle todo finished/not-finished

  • r mark todo as "in progress"

Why the hell another TODO app?

Many times, I found myself in the situation to switch from one task to another? Those tasks are more like mini-projects. Therefore, I need to shift my brain to a completely different topic which is annoying because you have to remember all the important stuff you wanted to do. To make it easier for me I tried different apps including some mindmapping tools. I never felt really comfortable but to be honest, I didn't spent much time to learn all the cool quirks per app.

What does clerk aim for?

Satisfy my needs!

  • No mouse interaction at all
  • No fancy UI
  • Interactive commandline
  • Get the job done with as few keystrokes as possible
  • Visual feedback such as highlighting

When this is all for you why make it public?

You got the same needs? => Get it!

You like the approach but you can do better? => Fork it!