
Browse trending gifs and search via Giphy.

Primary LanguageJava

Gif Search

Using the Giphy API, this app loads the 25 latest trending gifs and allows the user to search for gifs via the keyboard or voice search.

It uses Retrofit 2 to make the API call to Giphy and the Glide library to handle the gifs within a RecyclerView.

Tapping on a gif opens the full size image in the user's default browser, for a better view.

To set up and run the project:

  1. Click on the "clone" button above and copy the URL.
  2. Open a terminal window, navigate to the folder you want to put the project in, and paste in the URL with the git clone command: git clone https://github.com/roberrera/GifSearchApp.git
  3. The public Giphy key is located in the xml folder under giphykey.xml. Please replace this key with your production key if you decide to publicly release your version of the app.