360 Composer

360-Composer is a software package containing all the components needed to deploy a 360 video story line editing suite.

Changes in this branch (f.k.a. robin-variable-quality)

  • Improved docker-compose development stack:
    • Updated base images
    • Development stack no longer uses production build of the frontend, but instead a development server with live reloading (much faster!)
    • Proxying is now done by nginx, instead of http-proxy-middleware.
  • HLS transcoding in backend (video path now returns m3u8 playlist instead of mp4 file)
  • Modified a-frame video player for HLS support
  • (WIP) Modified annotation editor (babylon.js video player) for HLS support

Installation and usage

When installing you can choose to run a production or development build.


First, run npm install once (do this again when package.json is changed):

docker compose run frontend install

Create the assets directory: mkdir ./assets

Then, start the entire stack:

docker compose up --build

The web interface will be available at http://localhost:8080.


Save the docker-compose.prod.yaml file to an empty directory:

curl -o docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robert-belleman/360Composer/main/docker-compose.prod.yaml

Create a .env file with the required settings (this is an example, you should generate your own passwords!):


Start the stack:

docker compose up


  • The web interface is available at http://localhost:8080
  • Exit using Ctrl+C
  • Start in background using docker compose up -d. Containers will automatically start after a system reboot with the restart: unless-stopped restart policy.
  • Stop and remove containers using docker compose down
  • Members of the visualisation lab can push updated docker images to GitHub Container Registry using the ./docker-push.sh script