
Write Samba VFS modules in Python

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


An experimental Samba module which lets you control execution of Samba actions in your own Python script.


You must have the Python headers installed (python-dev) and the Samba sourcecode lying around.

Clone this repository, then compile as follows:

./configure --enable-debug --enable-developer --with-samba-source=/path/to/samba/source3

Copy / symlink the resulting vfs_python.so to /usr/local/samba/lib/vfs/python.so (or wherever your VFS modules are).

In your smb.conf, enable vfs_python per share:

path = /tmp
vfs objects = python
python:script = /path/to/your/handler.py

and make sure that the script path is valid.

The Python code

Take a look at the handler.py to see how it looks like and which Samba calls are supported at the moment (hint: not too many).

When a user performs an action, the corresponding Python function will be called. You can either allow or deny that action by returning a boolean.

The Python script will be imported every time a user connects and is valid for the duration of the connection.

Current status

This is experimental, my C skills have plenty of room for improvement and if your Python code raises an exception the Samba daemon will crash. I plan to address all those things, but right now it is what it is. Any contribution is greatly appreciated. :)