An app built using Flutter that consumes RAWG API to display current games, upcoming and popular video games 🎮and characters 🎃. It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Repository Pattern, MVVM Architecture in the presentation layer as well as Bloc pattern.
- AbolfazlAbbasiSaebIstanbul
- andreisas06Earth
- brandyodhiamboNairobi_kenya
- cesarferreira@NullSafeSolutions
- Collince-OkeyoAttain Enterprise Solution
- danzf
- DennisMMugambiNairobi Kenya
- equinox-jjJakarta, Indonesia
- EricgacokiEx-Google Dev
- flavian-anselmoSafaricom PLC
- gaoypChina
- Harshtank-io
- HillaryKipronoSulis East Africa
- IamkaranjaNairobi, Kenya
- joelkanyid.light
- Kadantte@Oppa-TECH
- kanake10Nairobi Kenya
- mardiantoindonesia
- OsirHawa
- paul-kibethi
- pl4int3xt
- robert-muriithiEquity Bank KE
- suhaib-raadan
- SynthiaAtienoKibabii University
- Tejaniyash
- whace
- wilfredgicharuDotConnect Africa Group