
Lock for K8s

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Clean and easy way to protect the k8s resource from deletion or updates. It could be achieved with RBAC but it is not explicit enough. This does not exclude RBAC, an operator which set the lock on the resource still needs rights to access it.


  • Mandatory locking (no one can update/delete a resource) as long the lock exists
  • Exclusive locking (only one can update/delete a resource) as long the lock exists


Lock CRD which resign in a namespace, protects any resource which matches at least one label. Protection is only for specified operations.

Avoid deadlock by ignoring lock on a lock.

Which resources are tracked by the lock is defined in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.

Mandatory locking

apiVersion: klock.rnemet.dev/v1
kind: Lock
  name: lock-red-blue
  namespace: yellow
    - UPDATE
    - DELETE
    aura: red

In above example Lock is mandatory lock. In the namespace yellow is will prevent any UPDATE/DELETE operation on every resource that have at least one label as defined in matcher section. So, if there is a Pod with label aura: red in the same namespace as the lock it can be deleted as long the lock exists.

Mandatory locking with expressions

If you need to lock multiple resources with same label name but different values you can use expressions like:

aura: red|blue|green

Which means protect from update and delete all resources if they have label named aura which value is red or blue or green.

In case label named aura can have values: red, blue, green and black, above expression can be:

aura: ^black

Which can be read as protect all resources with label named aura which value is not black.

Other examples:

aura: ^(red|blue)
aura: black|^blue

Supported operations are &(AND) , |(OR) and ^(NOT).

See test: /tests/e2e/lock-expression

Mandatory locking matching multiple labels

Locks like this:

apiVersion: klock.rnemet.dev/v1
kind: Lock
  name: lock-protect-sun
    - UPDATE
    - DELETE
    aura: red
    element: ^wind

Before version v3.0.0 would lock any resource that have label aura: red. In version v3.0.0 for resource to be locked it has to match all expressions under matcher. Looking in above example a Pod with labels aura: red and element: earth will be locked, while a Pod with labels aura: red and element: wind will not be lock.

See test: /tests/e2e/lock-expressions-two-labels

Exclusive locking

apiVersion: klock.rnemet.dev/v1
kind: Lock
  name: lockred
    - UPDATE
    - DELETE
    aura: red
    name: johny

Same as in previous example except if operation requester is the johny. The johny can delete a pod.

Field spec

Field spec contains Lock specification. It has two sub resources:

  • operations is a list containing operations to watch for.
  • matcher is a set of labels to match when looking for locked resources. For operation to be denied ony one needs to be matched.
  • exclusive define requester params when setting exclusive lock. One parameter is enough. If both are set then both needs to match:
    • name requester name
    • uid requester uid

How it works

Based on ValidatingWebhookConfiguration when ever one of operations is invoked:

  • check if in target namespace exists any Lock
  • for every found Lock which contains target operation:
    • try to find matching Lock and target object

A lock will not lock other lock, even if it set by configuration.


Cpnfiguration is autogenerated by kubebuilder. Initially only Pods, Deployments and, Secretcs can be locked. This can be changed by modifying ValidatingWebhookConfiguration named klock-validating-webhook-configuration. As well, UPDATE and DELETE operations are set there as operations to watch for. If needed user can modify that as well. It is not recommended to watch for all possible resources.

Default webhook configuration

apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
    cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from: klock-system/klock-serving-cert
  name: klock-validating-webhook-configuration
- admissionReviewVersions:
  - v1
      name: klock-webhook-service
      namespace: klock-system
      path: /validate-all
  failurePolicy: Fail
  name: klocks.rnemet.dev
  - apiGroups:
    - '*'
    - '*'
    - DELETE
    - UPDATE
    - pods
    - deployments
    - secrets
  sideEffects: None

If you need some other resources or operations modify webhook configuration. Operations used in webhook configuration are used in Lock.



Tests are located in folder ./tests/:

make ktest

Install tools

Tests are run by kind and KUTTL.

Prepare local environment

Start kind cluster:

make make-cluster

Install cert-manager:

make cert-manager

Build image locally

make docker-build IMG=IMG=<some-registry>/klock:tag

Load image into local cluster: kind load docker-image IMG=<some-registry>/klock:tag


For development

  • Kustomize: make deploy IMG=IMG=<some-registry>/klock:tag

To your cluster:

kubectl apply -f install/klock-1.0.0.yaml


$ helm repo add rnemet https://rnemet.dev/helm-charts
$ helm install klock rnemet/klock

Run tests

make ktest

Uninstall CRDs

To delete the CRDs from the cluster:

make uninstall

Undeploy controller

UnDeploy the controller to the cluster:

make undeploy

How it works

This project aims to follow the Kubernetes Operator pattern

It uses Controllers which provides a reconcile function responsible for synchronizing resources untile the desired state is reached on the cluster


Copyright 2022 Robert Nemet.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.