
A Lightning app for animal pose estimation.

Primary LanguagePython

Lightning Pose App

App for:

  • Annotating keypoints on images
  • Training a model to predict keypoints (after configuring it)
  • Predicting keypoints on images and videos
  • Looking at diagnostics via Tensorboard and FiftyOne
  • More to come! (Deploying for new videos, active learning, etc.)


  • About Page About Page
  • Train UI Train UI
  • Train Daig Train Diag
  • Predict UI Predict UI
  • Compare PNG Models Compare PNG models
  • Compare MP4 Models Compare MP4 models
  • LPA Admin / Console UI Admin UI


  • Components Components
  • Train Predict Steps Train Predict Steps


For now, the installation assumes

  • Grid Session GPU instance
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code on laptop
  • local editable installation of lightning-pose
  • Use python -m pip, which is the best practice when using virtual env like conda.
  • DO NOT USE pip. Some modules may not install correctly.

From laptop

open a terminal

create grid session

grid session create --instance_type g4dn.xlarge 

make sure session ssh is setup for VSC

grid session ssh GRID_SESSION_NAME "exit"

open VSC

  • From the VSC, connect to GRID_SESSION_NAME


create conda env inside

  • create lai
cd ~
conda create --yes --name lai python=3.8
conda activate lai
python -m pip install lightning --upgrade
  • record versions and git hash
lightning --version
python --version

Download lightning-pose-app and put lightning-pose inside it

  • setup lighting env
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/lightning-pose-app
cd lightning-pose-app
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt 
git clone https://github.com/danbider/lightning-pose 
  • setup local environment to mirror cloud
virtualenv ~/venv-tensorboard 
source ~/venv-tensorboard/bin/activate; which python; python -m pip install tensorflow tensorboard; deactivate

virtualenv ~/venv-label-studio 
git clone https://github.com/robert-s-lee/label-studio; cd label-studio; git checkout x-frame-options; cd ..
source ~/venv-label-studio/bin/activate; cd label-studio; which python; python -m pip install -e .; cd ..; deactivate

# on laptop without GPU
virtualenv ~/venv-lightning-pose
source ~/venv-lightning-pose/bin/activate; cd lightning-pose; which python; python -m pip install -e .; cd ..; deactivate

# on grid session with GPU
virtualenv ~/venv-lightning-pose
source ~/venv-lightning-pose/bin/activate; cd lightning-pose; which python; python -m pip install -r requirements.txt; cd ..; deactivate
  • test tensorboard
source ~/venv-tensorboard/bin/activate; tensorboard --logdir .; deactivate
  • test label-studio
source ~/venv-label-studio/bin/activate; cd label-studio; python label_studio/manage.py migrate; python label_studio/manage.py runserver; cd ..; deactivate
  • test fiftyone source ~/venv-lightning-pose/bin/activate; cd lightning-pose; fiftyone app launch; cd ..; deactivate


In order to run the application locally, run the following commands

cd lightning-pose-app
lightning run app app.py

The following can be resolved with rm -rf ~/.fiftyone

{"t":{"$date":"2022-05-23T14:42:45.150Z"},"s":"I",  "c":"CONTROL",  "id":20697,   "ctx":"main","msg":"Renamed existing log file","attr":{"oldLogPath":"/Users/robertlee/.fiftyone/var/lib/mongo/log/mongo.log","newLogPath":"/Users/robertlee/.fiftyone/var/lib/mongo/log/mongo.log.2022-05-23T14-42-45"}}
Subprocess ['/opt/miniconda3/envs/lai/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fiftyone/db/bin/mongod', '--dbpath', '/Users/robertlee/.fiftyone/var/lib/mongo', '--logpath', '/Users/robertlee/.fiftyone/var/lib/mongo/log/mongo.log', '--port', '0', '--nounixsocket'] exited with error 100:


lightning run app app.py --cloud --name lightning-pose --env NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility,video