ngOpenFB is an angular module that lets you integrate your JavaScript application with Facebook. Original idea is from the OpenFB library by Christophe Coenraets rewritten for a better usage with Ionic and with Promise support.
ngOpenFB works for both browser-based angular apps and ionic apps. There is no dependency on the Facebook SDK!
- Install ngOpenFB
bower install ngOpenFB
- Install the InAppBrowser plugin by cordova
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- Include ngOpenFb to your angular/ionic app
angular.module('<YOUR_APP>', ['ngOpenFB'])
- Inject the $openFB service in your module
- Call the $openFB.init() function and set your Facebook App Id
$openFB.init( {appId: '<YOUR_APP_ID>'} );
- Copy the oauthcallback.html to your project
Initializes the ngOpenFB module. You must use this function and initializes the module with an appId before you can use any other function.
- options: Required - Init options.
- appId: Required - The id of the Facebook app.
- tokenStore: Optional - The store used to save the Facebook token. If not provided, we use sessionStorage.
- browserOauthCallback: Optional - The URL to the Oauth Callback for the browser.
- cordovaOauthCallback: Optional - Tue URL to the Oauth Callback for the ionic app.
Checks if the user has logged in with ngOpenFB and currently has a session api token.
- callback(result): The function that receives the loginStatus.
- promise
Login to Facebook using OAuth. If running in a Browser, the OAuth workflow happens in a a popup window. If running in Cordova container, it happens using the In App Browser Plugin.
- options: Required - The login options.
- scope: Required - The set of Facebook permissions requested.
- location: Optional - Should the Facebook login window show the location toolbar? Default is true.
- callback(err, token): Optional - The function to invoke when the login process finishes.
- promise
Lets you make any Facebook Graph API request.
- options: Required - Request configuration options.
- path: Required - Path in the Facebook graph: /me, /me/friends, etc.
- method: Optional - HTTP method: GET, POST, etc. Default is 'GET'.
- params: Optional - QueryString parameters as a map
- callback(err, result): Optional - The function to invoke when the API request finishes.
- promise
De-authorize the app
- callback(err, result): Optional - The function to invoke when the request finishes.
- promise
Check Login status:
.then(function( loginStatus ) {
// logged in
} , function( err ) {
// not logged in
Login using Facebook:
$openFB.login({scope: 'email,user_friends'})
.then(function( token ) {
// log in successful
// send token to your server
}, function( err ) {
// error logging in
Fetch user's profile and profile picture:
var me = {};
$openFB.api({path: '/me'})
.then(function( res ) {
angular.extend(me, res);
, function( err ) {
// error
path: '/me/picture',
params: {
redirect: false,
height: 64,
width: 64
}).then(function( res ) {
angular.extend(me, {picture:});
Post on the user's feed:
method: 'POST',
path: '/me/feed',
params: {
message: 'Testing the Facebook Graph API'
}, function( err, result ) {
// Handle response from this callback
Using a different url for your login callback:
appId : '<YOUR_APP_ID>'
browserOauthCallback : <PATH_TO_YOUR_HOST> + '/oauthcallback.html'
cordovaOauthCallback : <PATH_TO_YOUR_OTHER_HOST> + '/login_success.html'
ngOpenFB is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.