
Angular module that lets you integrate your Angular or Ionic application with Facebook

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ngOpenFB is an angular module that lets you integrate your JavaScript application with Facebook. Original idea is from the OpenFB library by Christophe Coenraets rewritten for a better usage with Ionic and with Promise support.

ngOpenFB works for both browser-based angular apps and ionic apps. There is no dependency on the Facebook SDK!

Getting Started

  1. Install ngOpenFB
bower install ngOpenFB
  1. Install the InAppBrowser plugin by cordova
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
  1. Include ngOpenFb to your angular/ionic app
angular.module('<YOUR_APP>', ['ngOpenFB'])
  1. Inject the $openFB service in your module
  2. Call the $openFB.init() function and set your Facebook App Id
$openFB.init( {appId: '<YOUR_APP_ID>'} );
  1. Copy the oauthcallback.html to your project

Function overview


Initializes the ngOpenFB module. You must use this function and initializes the module with an appId before you can use any other function.

  • options: Required - Init options.
    • appId: Required - The id of the Facebook app.
    • tokenStore: Optional - The store used to save the Facebook token. If not provided, we use sessionStorage.
    • browserOauthCallback: Optional - The URL to the Oauth Callback for the browser.
    • cordovaOauthCallback: Optional - Tue URL to the Oauth Callback for the ionic app.



Checks if the user has logged in with ngOpenFB and currently has a session api token.

  • callback(result): The function that receives the loginStatus.
  • promise


login(options, [callback])

Login to Facebook using OAuth. If running in a Browser, the OAuth workflow happens in a a popup window. If running in Cordova container, it happens using the In App Browser Plugin.

  • options: Required - The login options.
    • scope: Required - The set of Facebook permissions requested.
    • location: Optional - Should the Facebook login window show the location toolbar? Default is true.
  • callback(err, token): Optional - The function to invoke when the login process finishes.
  • promise


api(options, [callback])

Lets you make any Facebook Graph API request.

  • options: Required - Request configuration options.
    • path: Required - Path in the Facebook graph: /me, /me/friends, etc.
    • method: Optional - HTTP method: GET, POST, etc. Default is 'GET'.
    • params: Optional - QueryString parameters as a map
  • callback(err, result): Optional - The function to invoke when the API request finishes.
  • promise



De-authorize the app

  • callback(err, result): Optional - The function to invoke when the request finishes.
  • promise


Check Login status:

.then(function( loginStatus ) {
    // logged in
} , function( err ) {
    // not logged in


Login using Facebook:

$openFB.login({scope: 'email,user_friends'})
.then(function( token ) {
    // log in successful
    // send token to your server
}, function( err ) {
    // error logging in


Fetch user's profile and profile picture:

var me = {};
$openFB.api({path: '/me'})
.then(function( res ) {
    angular.extend(me, res);
, function( err ) {
    // error

    path: '/me/picture',
    params: {
        redirect: false,
        height: 64,
        width: 64
}).then(function( res ) {
    angular.extend(me, {picture: res.data.url});


Post on the user's feed:

    method: 'POST',
    path: '/me/feed',
    params: {
        message: 'Testing the Facebook Graph API'
    }, function( err, result ) {
        // Handle response from this callback


Using a different url for your login callback:

    appId : '<YOUR_APP_ID>'
    browserOauthCallback : <PATH_TO_YOUR_HOST> + '/oauthcallback.html'
    cordovaOauthCallback : <PATH_TO_YOUR_OTHER_HOST> + '/login_success.html'


ngOpenFB is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.