

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Setting up your development environment manually

Follow these steps to manually install all the libraries needed for the projects in this book. Otherwise, skip to the next section to install the environment created for you in the book’s GitHub repo.

  1. On your terminal, create a new conda environment with Python 3 and call it deep_learning_for_vision_systems:

    conda create -n deep_learning_for_vision_systems python=3

    Note that to remove a conda environment, you use conda env remove -n <env_name>.

  2. Activate your environment. You must activate the environment before installing your packages. This way, all packages are installed only for this environment:

    conda activate deep_learning_for_vision_systems 

    Note that to deactivate an environment, you use conda deactivate <env_name>.

    Now you are inside your new environment. To see the default packages installed in this environment, type the following command: conda list. Next, you will install the packages used for the projects in this book.

  3. Install NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. These are very common ML packages that you will almost always use in your projects for math operations, data manipulation, and visualization tasks:

    conda install numpy pandas matplotlib

    Note that throughout these installs, you will be prompted to confirm to proceed (Proceed ([y]/n)?). Type y and press Enter to continue the installation.

  4. Install the Jupyter notebooks. We use Jupyter notebooks in this book for easier development:

    conda install jupyter notebook
  5. Install OpenCV (the most popular open source CV library):

    conda install -c conda-forge opencv
  6. Install Keras:

    pip install keras
  7. Install TensorFlow:

    pip install tensorflow

    Now everything is complete and your environment is ready to start developing. If you want to view all the libraries installed in your environment, type the following command:

    conda list

    These packages are separate from your other environments. This way, you can avoid any version-conflict issues.

Using the conda environment in the book’s repo

  1. Clone the book’s GitHub repository from https://github.com/moelgendy/deep_learning_for_vision_systems. The environment is located in the installer/application.yaml file:
    cd installer
  2. Create the conda deep_learning environment:
    conda env create -f my_environment.yaml
  3. Activate the conda environment:
    conda activate deep_learning
  4. Launch your Jupyter notebook (make sure you are located in the root of the deep_learning_for_vision_systems repository):
    jupyter notebook

Now you are ready to run the notebooks associated with the book.

Saving and loading environments

It is best practice to save your environment if you want to share it with others so that they can install all the packages used in your code with the correct version. To do that, you can save the packages to a YAML (https://yaml.org) file with this command:

conda env export > my_environment.yaml 

This way, others can use this YAML file to replicate your environment on their machine using the following command:

conda env create -f my_environment.yaml 

You can also export the list of packages in an environment to a .txt file and then include that file with your code. This allows other people to easily load all the dependencies for your code. Pip has similar functionality with this command:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can find the environment details used for this book’s projects in the downloaded code in the installer directory. You can use it to replicate my environment in your machine.

Using Docker

Building Dockerfiles

The image is about 7.83 ~ 8.12 GB.

docker build -t jupyter .

You can add mount parameters to the run command with the -v option. This is useful if you want the docker container to share directories with the host machine. Otherwise, you can copy files using the docker-copy command

docker run -it --rm --net=host jupyter

Jupyter Docker Stacks

docker run -p 10000:8888 quay.io/jupyter/scipy-notebook:2024-01-15

docker run -it --rm -p 10000:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work quay.io/jupyter/datascience-notebook:2024-01-15

We use old image: https://jupyter-docker-stacks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#using-old-images

docker run -it --rm -p 10000:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work quay.io/jupyter/datascience-notebook:b86753318aa1

Podman Machine Cli

for winodws

  • Install windows wsl2
wsl --install --no-distribution
  • Install podman-cli
choco install -y podman-cli

Recipes provide ways to be more productive in Jupyter and Python

  • Obtaining the history of Jupyter commands and outputs
  • Auto-reloading packages
  • Debugging
    • Timing code execution
    • Displaying progress bars
  • Compiling your code
  • Speeding up pandas DataFrames
  • Parallelizing your code

Obtaining the history of Jupyter commands and outputs

There are lots of different ways to obtain the code in Jupyter cells programmatically. Apart from these inputs, you can also look at the generated outputs. We'll get to both, and we can use global variables for this purpose.

Execution history

In order to get the execution history of your cells, the _ih list holds the code of executed cells. In order to get the complete execution history and write it to a file, you can do the following:

with open('command_history.py', 'w') as file:
    for cell_input in _ih[:-1]:
        file.write(cell_input + '\n')

If up to this point, we only ran a single cell consisting of print('hello, world!'), that's exactly what we should see in our newly created file, command_history.py:

!cat command_history.py
print('hello, world!')

On Windows, to print the content of a file, you can use the type command.

Instead of _ih, we can use a shorthand for the content of the last three cells._i gives you the code of the cell that just executed, _ii is used for the code of the cell executed before that, and _iii for the one before that.


In order to get recent outputs, you can use _ (single underscore), __ (double underscore), and ___ (triple underscore), respectively, for the most recent, second, and third most recent outputs.

Auto-reloading packages

autoreload is a built-in extension that reloads the module when you make changes to a module on disk. It will automagically reload the module once you've saved it.

Instead of manually reloading your package or restarting the notebook, with autoreload, the only thing you have to do is to load and enable the extension, and it will do its magic.

We first load the extension as follows:

%load_ext autoreload

And then we enable it as follows:

%autoreload 2

This can save a lot of time when you are developing (and testing) a library or module.


If you cannot spot an error and the traceback of the error is not enough to find the problem, debugging can speed up the error-searching process a lot. Let's have a quick look at the debug magic:

  1. Put the following code into a cell:

    def normalize(x, norm=10.0):
      return x / norm
    normalize(5, 1)

    You should see 5.0 as the cell output.

    However, there's an error in the function, and I am sure the attentive reader will already have spotted it. Let's debug!

  2. Put this into a new cell:

    normalize(5, 0)
  3. Execute the cell by pressing Ctrl + Enter or Alt + Enter. You will get a debug prompt:

    > <iPython-input-11-a940a356f993>(2)normalize() 
         1 def normalize(x, norm=10): ----> 
         2   return x / norm 
         4 normalize(5, 1) 
    ipdb> a 
    x = 5 
    norm = 0 
    ipdb> q
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeroDivisionError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
    <iPython-input-13-8ade44ebcb0c> in <module>()
         1 get_iPython().magic('debug') ---->
         2 normalize(5, 0)
    <iPython-input-11-a940a356f993> in normalize(a, norm)
         1 def normalize(x, norm=10): ----> 
         2   return x / norm 
         4 normalize(5, 1) 
    ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

    We've used the argument command to print out the arguments of the executed function, and then we quit the debugger with the quit command. You can find more commands on The Python Debugger (pdb) documentation page at https://docs.Python.org/3/library/pdb.html.

    Let's look at a few more useful magic commands.

Timing code execution

Once your code does what it's supposed to, you often get into squeezing every bit of performance out of your models or algorithms. For this, you'll check execution times and create benchmarks using them. Let's see how to time executions.

There is a built-in magic command for timing cell execution – timeit. The timeit functionality is part of the Python standard library (https://docs.Python.org/3/library/timeit.html). It runs a command 10,000 times (by default) in a period of 5 times inside a loop (by default) and shows an average execution time as a result:

%%timeit -n 10 -r 1
import time

We see the following output:

1 s ± 0 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 1 run, 10 loops each)

The iPython-autotime library (https://github.com/cpcloud/iPython-autotime) is an external extension that provides you the timings for all the cells that execute, rather than having to use %%timeit every time:

  1. Install autotime as follows:
    pip install iPython-autotime
    Please note that this syntax works for Colab, but not in standard Jupyter Notebook. What always works to install libraries is using the pip or conda magic commands, %pip and %conda, respectively. Also, you can execute any shell command from the notebook if you start your line with an exclamation mark, like this:
    !pip install iPython-autotime
  2. Now let's use it, as follows:
    %load_ext autotime
    Test how long a simple list comprehension takes with the following command:
    sum([i for i in range(10)])
    We'll see this output:
    time: 5.62 ms.

Hopefully, you can see how this can come in handy for comparing different implementations. Especially in situations where you have a lot of data, or complex processing, this can be very useful.

Displaying progress bars

Even if your code is optimized, it's good to know if it's going to finish in minutes, hours, or days. tqdm provides progress bars with time estimates. If you aren't sure how long your job will run, it's just one letter away – in many cases, it's just a matter of changing range for trange:

from tqdm.notebook import trange
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

The tqdm pandas integration (optional) means that you can see progress bars for pandas apply operations. Just swap apply for progress_apply.

For Python loops just wrap your loop with a tqdm function and voila, there'll be a progress bar and time estimates for your loop completion!

global_sum = 0.0
for i in trange(1000000):
   global_sum += 1.0

Tqdm provides different ways to do this, and they all require minimal code changes - sometimes as little as one letter, as you can see in the previous example. The more general syntax is wrapping your loop iterator with tqdm like this:

for _ in tqdm(range(10)):

So, next time you are just about to set off long-running loop, and you are not just sure how long it will take, just remember this sub-recipe, and use tqdm.

Compiling your code

Python is an interpreted language, which is a great advantage for experimenting, but it can be detrimental to speed. There are different ways to compile your Python code, or to use compiled code from Python.

Let's first look at Cython. Cython is an optimizing static compiler for Python, and the programming language compiled by the Cython compiler. The main idea is to write code in a language very similar to Python, and generate C code. This C code can then be compiled as a binary Python extension. SciPy (and NumPy), scikit-learn, and many other libraries have significant parts written in Cython for speed up. You can find out more about Cython on its website at https://cython.org/:

  1. You can use the Cython extension for building cython functions in your notebook:

    %load_ext Cython
  2. After loading the extension, annotate your cell as follows:

    def multiply(float x, float y):
        return x * y
  3. We can call this function just like any Python function – with the added benefit that it's already compiled:

    multiply(10, 5)  # 50

    This is perhaps not the most useful example of compiling code. For such a small function, the overhead of compilation is too big. You would probably want to compile something that's a bit more complex.

    Numba is a JIT compiler for Python (https://numba.pydata.org/). You can often get a speed-up similar to C or Cython using numba and writing idiomatic Python code like the following:

    from numba import jit
    def add_numbers(N):
        a = 0
        for i in range(N):
            a += i

    With autotime activated, you should see something like this:

    time: 2.19 s          

    So again, the overhead of the compilation is too big to make a meaningful impact. Of course, we'd only see the benefit if it's offset against the compilation. However, if we use this function again, we should see a speedup. Try it out yourself! Once the code is already compiled, the time significantly improves:


    You should see something like this:

    time: 867 µs    

    There are other libraries that provide JIT compilation including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX, that can help you get similar benefits.

    The following example comes directly from the JAX documentation, at https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html:

    import jax.numpy as np
    from jax import jit
    def slow_f(x):
        return x * x + x * 2.0
    x = np.ones((5000, 5000)) 
    fast_f = jit(slow_f) 

So there are different ways to get speed benefits from using JIT or ahead-of-time compilation. We'll see some other ways of speeding up your code in the following sections.

Speeding up pandas DataFrames

One of the most important libraries throughout this book will be pandas, a library for tabular data that's useful for Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) jobs. Pandas is a wonderful library, however; once you get to more demanding tasks, you'll hit some of its limitations. Pandas is the go-to library for loading and transforming data. One problem with data processing is that it can be slow, even if you vectorize the function or if you use df.apply().

You can move further by parallelizing apply. Some libraries, such as swifter, can help you by choosing backends for computations for you, or you can make the choice yourself:

  • You can use Dask DataFrames instead of pandas if you want to run on multiple cores of the same or several machines over a network.
  • You can use CuPy or cuDF if you want to run computations on the GPU instead of the CPU. These have stable integrations with Dask, so you can run both on multiple cores and multiple GPUs, and you can still rely on a pandas-like syntax (see https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/gpu.html).

As we've mentioned, swifter can choose a backend for you with no change of syntax. Here is a quick setup for using pandas with swifter:

mport pandas as pd
import swifter

df = pd.read_csv('some_big_dataset.csv')
df['datacol'] = df['datacol'].swifter.apply(some_long_running_function)

Generally, apply() is much faster than looping over DataFrames.

You can further improve the speed of execution by using the underlying NumPy arrays directly and accessing NumPy functions, for example, using df.values.apply(). NumPy vectorization can be a breeze, really. See the following example of applying a NumPy vectorization on a pandas DataFrame column:

squarer = lambda t: t ** 2
vfunc = np.vectorize(squarer)
df['squared'] = vfunc(df[col].values)

These are just two ways, but if you look at the next sub-recipe, you should be able to write a parallel map function as yet another alternative.

Parallelizing your code

One way to get something done more quickly is to do multiple things at once. There are different ways to implement your routines or algorithms with parallelism. Python has a lot of libraries that support this functionality. Let's see a few examples with multiprocessing, Ray, joblib, and how to make use of scikit-learn's parallelism.

The multiprocessing library comes as part of Python's standard library. Let's look at it first. We don't provide a dataset of millions of points here – the point is to show a usage pattern – however, please imagine a large dataset. Here's a code snippet of using our pseudo-dataset:

# run on multiple cores
import multiprocessing

dataset = [
        'data': 'large arrays and pandas DataFrames',
        'filename': 'path/to/files/image_1.png'
    }, # ... 100,000 datapoints

def get_filename(datapoint):
    return datapoint['filename'].split('/')[-1]

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(64)
result = pool.map(get_filename, dataset)

Using Ray, you can parallelize over multiple machines in addition to multiple cores, leaving your code virtually unchanged. Ray efficiently handles data through shared memory (and zero-copy serialization) and uses a distributed task scheduler with fault tolerance:

# run on multiple machines and their cores
import ray

def get_filename(datapoint):
    return datapoint['filename'].split('/')[-1]

result = []
for datapoint in dataset:

Scikit-learn, the machine learning library we installed earlier, internally uses joblib for parallelization. The following is an example of this:

from joblib import Parallel, delayed

def complex_function(x):
    '''this is an example for a function that potentially coult take very long.
    return sqrt(x)

Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(complex_function)(i ** 2) for i in range(10))

This would give you [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]. We took this example from the joblib examples about parallel for loops, available at https://joblib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/parallel.html.

When using scikit-learn, watch out for functions that have an n_jobs parameter. This parameter is directly handed over to joblib.Parallel (https://github.com/joblib/joblib/blob/master/joblib/parallel.py). none (the default setting) means sequential execution, in other words, no parallelism. So if you want to execute code in parallel, make sure to set this n_jobs parameter, for example, to -1 in order to make full use of all your CPUs.

Setting up your development environment manually

Follow these steps to manually install all the libraries needed for the projects in this book. Otherwise, skip to the next section to install the environment created for you in the book’s GitHub repo.

  1. On your terminal, create a new conda environment with Python 3 and call it deep_learning_for_vision_systems:

    conda create -n deep_learning_for_vision_systems python=3

    Note that to remove a conda environment, you use conda env remove -n <env_name>.

  2. Activate your environment. You must activate the environment before installing your packages. This way, all packages are installed only for this environment:

    conda activate deep_learning_for_vision_systems 

    Note that to deactivate an environment, you use conda deactivate <env_name>.

    Now you are inside your new environment. To see the default packages installed in this environment, type the following command: conda list. Next, you will install the packages used for the projects in this book.

  3. Install NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib. These are very common ML packages that you will almost always use in your projects for math operations, data manipulation, and visualization tasks:

    conda install numpy pandas matplotlib

    Note that throughout these installs, you will be prompted to confirm to proceed (Proceed ([y]/n)?). Type y and press Enter to continue the installation.

  4. Install the Jupyter notebooks. We use Jupyter notebooks in this book for easier development:

    conda install jupyter notebook
  5. Install OpenCV (the most popular open source CV library):

    conda install -c conda-forge opencv
  6. Install Keras:

    pip install keras
  7. Install TensorFlow:

    pip install tensorflow

    Now everything is complete and your environment is ready to start developing. If you want to view all the libraries installed in your environment, type the following command:

    conda list

    These packages are separate from your other environments. This way, you can avoid any version-conflict issues.

Using the conda environment in the book’s repo

  1. Clone the book’s GitHub repository from https://github.com/moelgendy/deep_learning_for_vision_systems. The environment is located in the installer/application.yaml file:
    cd installer
  2. Create the conda deep_learning environment:
    conda env create -f my_environment.yaml
  3. Activate the conda environment:
    conda activate deep_learning
  4. Launch your Jupyter notebook (make sure you are located in the root of the deep_learning_for_vision_systems repository):
    jupyter notebook

Now you are ready to run the notebooks associated with the book.

Saving and loading environments

It is best practice to save your environment if you want to share it with others so that they can install all the packages used in your code with the correct version. To do that, you can save the packages to a YAML (https://yaml.org) file with this command:

conda env export > my_environment.yaml 

This way, others can use this YAML file to replicate your environment on their machine using the following command:

conda env create -f my_environment.yaml 

You can also export the list of packages in an environment to a .txt file and then include that file with your code. This allows other people to easily load all the dependencies for your code. Pip has similar functionality with this command:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

You can find the environment details used for this book’s projects in the downloaded code in the installer directory. You can use it to replicate my environment in your machine.