
Android App for PokeAccount

Primary LanguageJava


Android App for PokeAccount


We are going to use Android Studio to Create a Mobile-based application called Poke Accounting, and this application has great features that can record your daily cost situation. Account function makes it easier to follow your account balance. It also provides different charts(Pie Chart, Line Chart, Timeline) to help you visualize your record.

Android - Platform

SQLite- Database

Login Screen

4 pin password login system with a numerical keypad.

4 Steps:

  • Login
  • Enter old password
  • Enter new password
  • Re-enter password

Digital Signature Verification: SHA256withRSA

Login Screen

Bottom Bar

Three clickable items represent three fragments

Main functions:

  • onPageSelected
  • OnNavigationItemSelectedListener

Bottom Bar

Transaction Screen

It’s composed with TimeLine, a Button and the Bottom Bar


  • All the stuffs are hosted by MainActivity.
  • TimeLine uses Recycler View widget.
  • Each widget read the data from Event Model(Bean).

Click Newbutton will start a new activity using explicit function.

Transaction Screen

Expense and Income Screen

Image button and a simple calculator compose this page.

  • Expense and Income are hosted by same Transaction Activity.
  • Change between Expense and Income are smooth.
  • Button could give user a touch feedback response. Submit button will go back and update MainActivity.

Transaction Screen

Account Screen

Account list screen:

  • Display total balance
  • List Account Info: company, type, balance
  • Add new account Account manage screen:
  • Edit account info
  • Delete account

Account Screen

Chart Screen

Pie Charts:

  • Income Pie Chart
  • Expense Pie Chart Categorized transactions in different types Line Chart
  • Monthly Balance Chart

Chart Screen