
MagicMirror Module to control a led strip attached to a Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


MagicMirror Module to control a led strip attached to a Raspberry Pi


This module is specifically meant for the Raspberry Pi system, using SPI and a LPD8806 or WS2801 LED strip. It may be compatible with other LED strips, but this has not been tested.

Buy the LPD8806 LED Strip here and learn how to connect it here

If using Raspbian, you will need to enable SPI:

sudo raspi-config

then navigate to Advanced options and enable SPI

Module installation

Clone the module and npm install:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone https://github.com/robertalexa/MMM-PiLights.git
cd MMM-PiLights
npm install

Add the module config to ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js

modules: [
        module: 'MMM-PiLights',
        config: {
            ledCount: 64,
            type: 'ws2801', // 'ws2801' or 'lpd8806'
            bus: 0, 
            device: 0,
            brightness: 1.0 // between 0.0 and 1.0

Module Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
ledCount Integer 64 Number LEDs on your strip
type String ws2801 The LED strip type, either 'ws2801' or 'lpd8806'
bus Integer 0 The SPI bus number for your LED strip
device Integer 0 The SPI device number for your LED strip
brightness Float 0.0 The LED strip brightness (between 0.0 and 1.0)

Trigger from another module

If you're developing a module and want to trigger a light sequence, here's an example of what you'd use in your module:

this.sendNotification('PILIGHTS_SEQUENCE', 'blue_pulse');

My other MagicMirror module is able to trigger light sequences with notifications: MMM-IFTTT

Trigger from a endpoint

The GET endpoint is pretty simple:


From the command line:

curl -X GET "http://yourmagicmirror/PiLights?sequence=blue_pulse"

Available Sequences

  • off
  • white_pulse
  • blue_pulse
  • lightblue_pulse
  • red_pulse
  • green_pulse
  • orange_pulse
  • pink_pulse
  • white_static
  • warm_static
  • blue_static
  • red_static
  • green_static
  • orange_static
  • pink_static
  • rainbow
  • christmas
  • candy


I am not actively maintaining this, but happy to help anyone that will give this a go.

The code is not in a clean shape, not having enough time... one day i will improve it, hopefully :)

The code is slightly bespoke to my use case, where I am matching this with MMM-GoogleAssistant. When called, the assistant will trigger the lightblue_pulse notification. In case there was already an effect, once the pulse finishes, it gets restored.

MMM-GoogleAssistant Recipe

/**   WS-2801 LED Strip Control  		**/
/**   Vocal commands script             **/
var recipe = {
    plugins: {
        onActivate: "LED_LBLUE_PULSE"

    commands: {
        "LED_LBLUE_PULSE": {
            notificationExec: {
                notification: "PILIGHTS_SEQUENCE",
                payload: {
                    sequence: "lightblue_pulse",
                    iterations: "2"


All credits go to the original author and original repository https://github.com/jc21/MMM-PiLights

I have only updated packages and made changes that I have been using for years, just never publicised.