
Base project for Haxe+Starling+MMVC+Bootstrap

Primary LanguageHaxe



haxelib install mmvc

To make life easier with outdated extern libs, I keep a copy of the code in the project at the moment.

On Windows you can create copy of all the needed files using: (just change the githubdir)

cd lib
set githubdir=C:\Users\robert\Documents\GitHub
echo %githubdir%
mkdir starling
mkdir feathers
mkdir MetalWorksMobileTheme
xcopy "%githubdir%\starling" starling /S /Y
xcopy "%githubdir%\feathers\lib\feathers" feathers /S /Y 
xcopy "%githubdir%\feathers\lib\MetalWorksMobileTheme" MetalWorksMobileTheme /S /Y 
cd ..