
Following through "Programming in C" by Stephen G. Kochan.

Primary LanguageC

Programming in C

The Gitbook for this repo is currently in the early stages, please don't expect everything to work properly.

This repo contains the exercises and example programs from Stephen G. Kochan's "Programming in C" book. This readme will be updated as I work through the book and complete the exercises. Once finished, I plan to go back through and put together a summary of each chapter, bullet-point style!

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Some Fundamentals (No exercises)
  • Chapter 2 Compiling and Running Your First Program
  • Chapter 3 Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions
  • Chapter 4 Program Looping
  • Chapter 5 Making Decisions
  • Chapter 6 Working with Arrays
  • Chapter 7 Working with Functions
  • Chapter 8 Working with Structures
  • Chapter 9 Character Strings
  • Chapter 10 Pointers
  • Chapter 11 Operations on Bits
  • Chapter 12 The Preprocessor
  • Chapter 13 Extending Data Types
  • Chapter 14 Working with Larger Programs
  • Chapter 15 Input and Output Operations in C
  • Chapter 16 Miscellaneous and Advanced Features
  • Chapter 17 Debugging Programs
  • Chapter 18 Object-Oriented Programming


All programs were edited with Neovim and compiled using make on macOS. If you find any bugs or something that could be improved, please write an issue or create a pull request.