
Matches potential friends based off survey responses

Primary LanguageHTML


A fullstack app to determine friend-compatibility based off answers to a survey about pet peeves

Click to visit the site! PeevePal App



Question Preview:

Getting Started

You can visit the site via the Heroku link or if you'd like to be more hands-on you can download the project here and work on it locally. Remember to run "npm i" locally before trying to run to install dependencies.


npm express

npm mysql

npm body-parser

Technologies Used

Languages - HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Node.js, MySQL

Text Editor - VS Studio


Please feel free to branch off and make some tweaks and make a PR. Open to any cool suggestions!

Future Development

  • Remember usernames and passwords
  • Add more sophisticated error handling
  • Refactor code for brevity and enhanced usability
  • Add more styling to page
  • Add a picture upload button to simplify the picture process for desktop and mobile
