
HashiCorp Vault on AWS

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

HashiCorp Vault on AWS

This code spins up a HashiCorp Vault cluster:

  • Spread over availability zones.
  • Using automatic unsealing.
  • Automatically join other nodes in the cluster.
  • With a load balancer.
  • An optional bastion host.
  • Use 3 or 5 nodes, based on the amount of availability zones.
  • Either create a VPC or use an existing one.


    \0/        +--------------+
     | ------> | loadbalancer |
    / \        +--------------+
    OPS               | :8200/tcp
+---------+    +------------+
| bastion | -> | instance 0 |+
+---------+    +------------+|+
     ^          +------------+|
     |           +------------+
    / \

These (most important) variables can be used.

  • vault_name - default: "unset".
  • vault_aws_certificate_arn - The AWS certificate ARN that can be installed on the load balancer.
  • vault_aws_key_name - The key to use to login. (Conflicts with vault_keyfile_path. Use either, not both.)

More variables can be found in variables.tf.


After spinning up a Vault cluster for the fist time, login to one of the Vault cluster members and initialize Vault:

vault operator init

This generates recovery tokens and a root key, keep them safe and secure.

You must turn on auto-cleanup of dead raft peers in order to remove dead nodes and keep a majority of the Vault nodes healthy during scaling activities.

vault login ROOT_TOKEN
vault operator raft autopilot set-config \
  -min-quorum=3 \
  -cleanup-dead-servers=true \

NOTE: There are some variable values in the above example, please have a look at the output of the module, it instructs the specific command to run.


You can not specify a vault_aws_vpc_id. In that case, this module will create all required network resources.

If you do specify a vault_aws_vpc_id, you will need to have:

  • aws_vpc
  • aws_internet_gateway
  • aws_route_table
  • aws_route
  • aws_subnet
  • aws_route_table_association

Backup & restore

To create a backup, log in to a Vault node, use vault login and run:

vault operator raft snapshot save /vault/data/raft/snapshots/raft-$(date +'%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M').snap

To restore a snapshot, run:

vault operator raft snapshot restore FILE

Logging, monitoring and alerting

Currently logging, monitoring and alerting are available with AWS native tools by setting the vault_enable_cloudwatch boolean to true, see also: examples/cloudwatch.

Known bug: terraform destroy will not clean up Cloudwatch Alarms, the lambda function that is ment to clean the alarms is destroyed before it has a chance to clean the alarms.

  • TODO something about where to send the alerts to, mail,mobile,slack ?

By default the following logs and metrics are being collected by the Cloudwatch agent:

  • Metrics:
    • memory_used_percent
    • disk_used_percent - /opt/vault
    • disk_used_percent - /
  • Logs:
    • /var/log/vault/vault.log
    • /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

By default the following alarms are created:

  • Alarms:
    • at 80% - memory_used_percent
    • at 80% - disk_used_percent - /opt/vault
    • at 80% - disk_used_percent - /

Metrics dashboard preview:
Cloudwatch dashboard preview.

Logging dashboard preview: Cloudwatch logging preview.


To understand the cost for this service, you can use cost.modules.tf:

terraform apply
terraform state pull | curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- https://cost.modules.tf/

Here is a table relating vault_size to a monthly price. (Date: Feb 2022)

Size (vault_size) Monthly price x86_64 ($) Monthly price arm64 ($)
custom Varies: 223.34 * Varies: +- 193.00 **
development 50.98 vault_size != custom ***
minimum 257.47 vault_size != custom ***
small 488.59 vault_size != custom ***
large 950.83 vault_size != custom ***
maximum 1875.31 vault_size != custom ***

When vault_size is set to custom, these parameters determine the price:

  • vault_volume_iops
  • vault_volume_size
  • vault_volume_type

() The price for vault_size = "custom" in the table above is based on the settings in examples/custom. () The cost analysis tool does not support Graviton, so the price was analysed manually. () The Graviton types can only be used when vault_size is set to custom.