Terraform GitLab Vault demo

A demo on how GitLab can connect to HashiCorp Vault, authenticate using JWT and get AWS credentials.


  • A GitLab instance. gitlab.com can be used.
  • A Vault instance. AWS Vault can be used. Also see the directory vault in this repository.
  • A Vault token.


Tell the Terraform provider vault how to connect to your Vault instance.

export VAULT_ADDR="https://vault.aws.adfinis.cloud:8200"
export VAULT_TOKEN="XYZ123"

Terraform needs to know how to connect to GitLab as well.

export GITLAB_BASE_URL="https://gitlab.com/"
export GITLAB_TOKEN="XYZ123"

Vault will be configured using Terraform using var.aws_secrets_key and var.aws_access_key. You may already have the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY`. In that case you can pass the value to Terraform:

export TF_VAR_aws_secret_key=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
export TF_VAR_aws_access_key=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}


terraform apply