
A python API to display text/images to small LED badges and signs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python API to display text/images to small LED badges and signs. Created with this sign in mind, which I used to make this.


From PyPi:

pip install MiniLED

From Source:

git clone git://github.com/robertf224/MiniLED.git && cd MiniLED
python setup.py install


To use the sign, simply create a Sign object, passing it the path to the device.

from MiniLED import Sign
# This will be something like /dev/ttyUSB1 on Linux
sign = Sign('/dev/tty.usbserial')

Now we can start sending messages.

sign.setmessage('Hello World')

We can add optional arguments as well.

# Message slot number (1-8, default is 1)
sign.setmessage('Slots!', slot=8)

# Message effect ('hold', 'scroll', 'snow', 'flash', 'hold+flash', default is 'hold')
sign.setmessage('Effects!', effect='hold+flash')

# Message speed (1-5, default is 1)
sign.setmessage('Speed!', speed=5)

Coming Soon

Automatic device discovery, images, two-line text.