
Tool for planning Rare Goods trade routes in Elite: Dangerous

Primary LanguagePython

Elite Dangerous Rare Goods Calculator

Plan your rare goods trade routes with this utility!


How many goods match your criteria?

> python .\edrg.py --count --filter "Goods.expected_value > 5000" --filter "Station.dist < 5000"


> python .\edrg.py --count --filter "Goods.expected_value > 8000" --filter "Station.dist < 1000"

Show the best of them:

> python .\edrg.py --filter "Station.dist < 1000" --display --limit 5 --sort "Goods.expected_value"
Az Cancri Formula 42 (Fisher Station, AZ Cancri): 25768
Leathery Eggs (Ridley Scott, Zaonce): 24590
Rusani Old Smokey (Fernandes Market, Rusani): 23240
CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee (Kirk Dock, CD-75 661): 18984
Waters of Shintara (Jameson Memorial, Shinrarta Dezhra (permit)): 18550

Optimize your routes:

It's easy to find the highest expected profits in the galaxy:

> python .\edrg.py --optimize
Optimal route: Geawen Dance Dust (Obruchev Legacy, Geawen): 26572
 and HIP Organophospates (Stasheff Colony, HIP 80364): 10010
 at a distance of 215.11 Ly with round-trip expected profit 813342

Of course, maybe you want to limit yourself to safer routes:

> python .\edrg.py --optimize --filter "Goods.min_supply > 0" --filter "Station.dist < 1000"
Optimal route: Altairian Skin (Solo Orbiter, Altair): 6846
 and Rajukru Multi-Stoves (Snyder Terminal, Rajukru): 10912
 at a distance of 169.03 Ly with round-trip expected profit 466372

Go nuts! Enjoy!


There are three major classes you can operate on with this program: System, Station, and Goods. Fields are mostly self-explanatory, and appear below:


  • System.name
  • System.x, System.y, System.z: coordinates in 3d space of the system
  • System.stations: a list of stations in the system.


  • Station.name
  • Station.system: the system in which this station is located
  • Station.dist: the distance of the station from the arrival point in-system
  • Station.goods: the rare goods traded by this station


  • Goods.name
  • Goods.price: price at the system of origin
  • Goods.max_cap: Probably the goods stop spawning if you have more than this many. Unconfirmed.
  • Goods.min_supply: the minimum amount which will spawn
  • Goods.max_supply: the maximum amount which will ever spawn
  • Goods.expected_supply: the average of min_supply and max_supply
  • Goods.min_value: price * min_supply
  • Goods.max_value
  • Goods.expected_value


  1. Ensure you have Python 3 installed and available in your path.
  2. Clone this repository onto your local machine
  3. Navigate into the cloned directory in the shell of your choice
  4. pip install virtualenv (use sudo as required)
  5. virtualenv .
  6. ./Scripts/activate (or activate.bat for Windows command prompt, or activate.ps1 for Windows Powershell)
  7. pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. You're good to go!


usage: edrg.py [-h] [-w] [-c] [-d] [-o] [--optimize-outputs N]
               [--max-dist MAX_DIST] [-l N] [-f FILTER] [-s SORT] [-a]

Work with the Elite Dangerous Rare Goods

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w, --wipe            Wipe the database and recreate it from scratch from
                        the spreadsheet
  -c, --count           Return the number of goods meeting the specified
  -d, --display         Display the names of all goods meeting the specified
  -o, --optimize        Compute and display the optimal route given the
                        specified criteria
  --optimize-outputs N  Modifies --optimize: show the top N optimization
                        outputs. Default 1
  --max-dist MAX_DIST   Modifies --optimize: the maximal distance you'll
                        accept for a route
  -l N, --limit N       Limit to the first N SQL results. This happens before
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        Raw SQLAlchemy filter strings. You have access to
                        Goods, Station, and System.
  -s SORT, --sort SORT  Raw SQLAlchemy order_by string. Sorts descending by
                        default. You have access to Goods, Station, and
  -a, --ascending       Modifies --sort to produce an ascending sort instead.

For the Future

I may come back to this to make it read from the excellent source document from which I pulled the raw data, instead of my modified local copy; that way it's more resilient to future updates. In the meantime, if you discover or find published a good which isn't in the database, just update the spreadysheet and run edrg.py --wipe to refresh it.