
A kubernetes deployment of the MIT Kerberos 5 stack

Primary LanguageSmarty

A Helm chart of a Kerberos v5 KDC stack

This chart deploys a single-master KDC and kadmind service in two containers linked via a volume containing the Kerberos database.

Database Persistence

If persistence is enabled via the kdc.persistence.enabled key, a PVC is created via the cluster's default storage class and mounted into both containers to provide access to the database.

In the event persistence is not enabled, an emptyDir is created on the host.


The KDC service is exposed on -kdc..svc.cluster.local, defaulting to port 88 on both TCP and UDP.

The kadmind service is exposed on -kadmin..svc.cluster.local, defaulting to the v5 admin port 749.

Admin Principal

To administer the database out of the gate, a post-install helm hook job is run to inject a user/admin principal into the database with the name and password specified via environment variables which can be set via a number of ways, the simplest being at the command line with --set admin_princ.password=<password>. For security reasons, this should likely be done via Secret created within the cluster or some other secrets management tool, or on a CI system that has the ability to mask certain sensitive data from being output to the console.