
AWS tools and utilities

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AWS tools and utilities

This project includes some commonly used AWS tools and utilities. Including the following:


This is a class that monitors the local instance, if it is part of an autoscaling group it can terminate itself when it detects that there is no mroe mwork to do. This simplifies the implementation of autoscaling groups by only having to define a scale up/out rule instead of having to guess at scale down/in rules. You programatically set the monitor to be active by calling AddRef, when your task is done you call Release. It also detects if the ASG it is participating in has a LifeCycleWait rule, in that mode it will set and clear the Terminating:Wait flags during its last job.


This class is a generic SQS monitor. It dequeues items from a named queue and calls a provided hanadler. It simplifies the process of polling for items, extending thier life, deleting items. It supports multiple worker threads. It also includes utilities for enqueuing messages. It is integrated into the AutoScaleLifeCycleMonitor such that you can define a scale out group, and the host system will be automatically terminated/scalled in when the queue is quiet for a defined period of time.


This are a collection of classes that provide for IAM role based authentication to MySql and Aurora RDS instances. This allows you to assgn database access permissions based on IAM roles or IAM users instead of individual username/password combinations. The resulting connection string no longer needs to contain a password. It is a bit tricky to configure (see notes in the class) but once running forces a very secure envionrment


This is a collection of classes supporting EntityFramework 2.X (3.1 coming soon) that specifically target Aurora RDS. This includes a cloud Execution Strategy for Aurora, a MySql/Aurora index attribute, a full text attribute (for enabling FULLTEXT), an UpperCase attribute for forcing strings to upper case. There are corresponding query extensions (for FULLTEXT) and model builder extensions (for intalling attributes) as well as a DbContext base class that handles the implementation if you dont want to do it yourself.


This is a "cluster" capable implementation of the StackExchange IDatabase interface. The StackExchange implementation of the Redis connection is quite capapble of recovering from ElastiCache cluster reconfigurations. However individual calls are not as resilient. This class wrapps the underlying StackExchange client with a simple retry handler. A default retry handler is provided tgat deals with timeouts, you can provide your own retry handler by implementing a custom RedisRetryPolicy.


This is a console application with examples of each of the techniques. In order to demonstrate the EF attributes you need access to a MySQL or Aurora server in MySQL mode. Update the connectionstring in the appsettings.json file to point to that server. If you want to test the IAM authentication to RDS then you need to be running on an EC2 instance with IAM permissions (https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/users-connect-rds-iam/) in this case yuou still need to include the username in the connection string but a password is not needed. Set the appsettings.json file IAMRole and ConnectionString accordingly. The SQSDemo class reaads configuration for the queue name (DemoQueue), submits 2 jobs to it, and then processes them. If the SQSDemo is running on an EC2 instance participating in an ASG, then it will terminate itself when its timeout expires.


If you are running on EC2 and have assigned permissions to an IAM role for that instance, everything should work as is. If however, you are running outside of AWS or not on an EC2 instance (or workspace) with specific IAM permissions you will need to specify your AWS Access Key and Secret Key in such a way that .NET Core 2.X will recognize it. The AWS guidance for that can be found here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/toolkit-for-visual-studio/latest/user-guide/deployment-ecs-specify-credentials.html . If you prefer a simpler method for testing, I suggest the use of enviornment variables which is internally supported. Use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for keys. Use AWS_REGION for your region. You can set those on your project Properties using the Environment Variables section of Debug tab.