
Primary LanguageC++


		Energia Multi-Threaded (EMT) Wiring Support


This tree provide a multi-threaded Wiring library implementation based on 

To Clone this Tree
    o you must already have a https://bitbucket.itg.ti.com account, then
    o clone the tree using git:
        git clone ssh://git@bitbucket.itg.ti.com/sb/emt.git ./emt

To Contribute
If you haven't already done so, create a personal branch with your name, for
example, "me":
        git branch me
        git checkout me

The "normal" development cycle:
    o make and test improvements
        emacs Control.c
    o commit changes to your local repo
        git add src/apps/robot/Control.c ...
        git commit -m "improved ..."

	git add src/apps/robot/ti/drivers/wifi/WiFiTivaCC3000.c
	git commit -m "fixed ..."

    o push the changes from your local branch to the corresponding bitbucket
      repo's branch
        git push origin me:me

    o to get copies of other's changes
        git fetch

Weekly integrations: Your contributions will be periodically reviewed and
merged into the bitbucket repo's master branch.  To ensure your contributions
can be easily merged on the bitbucket master branch, you must 

    o get latest master branch from the bitbucket repo
        git fetch

    o merge any changes into your branch
        git merge origin/master

    o push your local branch to the corresponding bitbucket repo's branch
        git push origin me:me

To Create a Bitbucket Account
    o download the git command line tools (Windows http://msysgit.github.io/)

    o create an SSH key:
          ssh-keygen -t rsa
      Just press 'Enter' in every question it asks and you will finally have
      your pair of keys under the folder ".ssh". For example, type
      "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub". That's the public key that you are required 
      to copy and paste into your account on Gitorious. 

    o browse to https://bitbucket.itg.ti.com and create an account using 
      the public key you just created; copy the contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
      to the specified text box.

Librarian repo creation
The emt.git repo was created to "track" the repo maintained at 
bitbucket.itg.ti.com and was created as follows:
    git clone --bare ssh://git@bitbucket.itg.ti.com/sb/emt.git emt.git
    cd emt.git/
    git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"
    git tag emt-a00
    git push --tags

Note: xlibrary must be given read/write access to the Gitorious repo cloning 
of pushing any changes.  This must be done via the Bitbucket web interface.

To enable gitweb access:
    cd /db/sanb_public/home/git
    ln -s $TREES/emt/emt.git 

Librarian releases
    Build this tree from Linux using standard ggentree/SM-MAKE/greltree except
    for the addition of a step to update the local emt.repo with the content
    from bitbucket.
    # update local copy of the gitorous repo
    cd emt.git; git fetch; cd ..

    # clone the tree and merge/review user content
    ggentree -u d-russo@ti.com emt.git/
    cd emt-e??
    git merge origin/dr

    # build the tree
    SM-MAKE .clean
    SM-MAKE .all-files >& Make.log 

    # update README 
    emacs README
    git commit -a -m emt-e??

    # release the tree
    greltree -m "something brief and meaningful"

    The following warning is a bug in SYS/BIOS handling of platform names 
    and can be safely ignored for the time being:
        warning: ti.sysbios.family.arm.msp432.init.Boot: "/db/vendors/ti/msp432_sdk/simplelink_msp432p4_sdk_1_50_00_06/kernel/tirtos/packages/ti/sysbios/family/arm/msp432/init/Boot.xs", line 120: ti.sysbios.family.arm.msp432.init.Boot : Unknown device: MSP432P401R. Assuming MSP432P401P compatible.

    s3cmd is from wget https://github.com/s3tools/s3cmd/releases/download/v2.0.1/s3cmd-2.0.1.zip




    fixed to include CC13X2 sources

    build against SDK (not just the CORE SDK) for the CC13x2