
Google App Engine, Jersey, AngularJS, Bootstrap baked with IntelliJ

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Google App Engine, Jersey, AngularJS, Bootstrap baked with IntelliJ

dev setup (intelij)

  • git clone github:robertjchristian/grilled-feta
  • open IntelliJ
  • open project
  • select grilled-feta directory

dev debug (intelij)

  • Run -> Edit Configurations...
  • Click "+" and select Google AppEngine Dev Server
  • Apply / Ok
  • Click green play button from top menu
  • Browser pointing to localhost:8080 will open automatically

dev deploy (intelij)

  • Tools -> Upload App Engine Application
  • Edit appengine-web.xml to point to your google app engine application and version
  • Enter google app engine login and password