A simple Python Flask-based implementation of the IIIF Image API 1.0 standard
- This started as a toy project to learn the IIIF API, so it is not necessarily ready for production, but may be some day.
- It was also an opportunity to learn Flask, a micro-framework. I consciously chose to avoid adding too many abstractions, and attempted to stick to procedural code as much as possible.
- It has a simple on-disk cache scheme, but no cache management.
- If you want to delete the cache, purge the contents of the cache directory.
- Cache does not currently check timestamps.
- Cache can't be disabled yet.
- It was a lot of fun, and does work, but is missing a lot of optimizations.
- There are several sample files in the media directory - all but one are courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program.
git clone https://github.com/ArchiveLabs/iiif.archivelab.org.git
cd iiif.archivelab.org
pip install .
python app.py
Navigate to
You can also run the app using Docker, either with the Flask development server:
docker build -t iiify .
docker run -d --rm --name iiify -p 8080:8080 iiify
or with an image using nginx and uwsgi:
docker build -t iiify-uwsgi -f Dockerfile-uwsgi .
docker run -d --rm --name iiify -p 8080:8080 iiify-uwsgi
Navigate to
Unit tests are in the tests
folder and can be run with:
python -m unittest discover -s tests
Retrieve large.jpg as 800px wide JPEG
Crop into large.jpg and return 800px wide JPEG
Mirror large.jpg horizontally and return 800px wide JPEG
For more information, read the specification at http://iiif.io/technical-details.html