
Ho-Ho-Ho! Implementing solutions in dotnet and rust.


Common, reusable functions are stored inside cs/AdventOfCode.common/

Import them inside the individual day project:

using AdventOfCode.Common;

Add individual day projects:

dotnet new console -n AdventOfCode.Day01
dotnet sln AdventOfCode.sln add AdventOfCode.Day01/AdventOfCode.Day01.csproj
dotnet add AdventOfCode.Day01/AdventOfCode.Day01.csproj reference AdventOfCode.Common/AdventOfCode.Common.csproj

Build & Run:

dotnet build AdventOfCode.sln
dotnet run --project AdventOfCode.Day01


Common, reusable functions are stored inside common/src/

Import them inside the individual day Cargo.toml:

common = { path = "../common" }

Add individual day projects:

cargo new day_1

Build & Run:

cargo build
cargo run

Data is stored in a folder called "data" inside the root project for both .NET and Rust implementations