
Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component

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Angular2 Bootstrap3 Modal Component




ng2-bs3-modal depends on bootstrap which depends on jquery, you'll need to include both scripts before ng2-bs3-modal:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.js"></script>

Or, if you're using SystemJS, configure it to load them. And import them in your typscript.


> npm install --save ng2-bs3-modal

Include a reference to the bundle in your html:

<script src="node_modules/ng2-bs3-modal/bundles/ng2-bs3-modal.js"></script>

Or, if you're using SystemJS, add a mapping to your System.config:

    defaultJSExtensions: true,
    map: {
        'ng2-bs3-modal': 'node_modules/ng2-bs3-modal'

Then import and include in your component's directives:

import { MODAL_DIRECTIVES } from 'ng2-bs3-modal/ng2-bs3-modal';

    directives: [MODAL_DIRECTIVES]
export class MyComponent {

See examples for npm, SystemJS, jspm, and angular-cli.




  • animation: boolean, default: true

    Specify false to simply show the modal rather than having it fade in/out of view.

  • backdrop: string | boolean, default: true

    Specify 'static' for a backdrop which doesn't close the modal on click or false for no backdrop.

  • keyboard: boolean, default: true

    Closes the modal when escape key is pressed. Specify false to disable.

  • size: string, default: undefined

    Specify 'sm' for small and 'lg' for large.

  • cssClass: string, default: undefined

    Applies the given cssClass to the modal. Can be used to style the modal, suchas giving it a custom size.


  • onClose: EventEmitter

    Emits when ModalComponent.close() is called.

  • onDismiss: EventEmitter

    Emits when ModalComponent.dismiss() is called, or when the modal is dismissed with the keyboard or backdrop.

  • onOpen: EventEmitter

    Emits when ModalComponent.open() is called.


  • open(size?: string): Promise

    Opens the modal. Size is optional. Specify 'sm' for small and 'lg' for large to override size. Returns a promise that resolves when the modal is completely shown.

  • close(): Promise

    Closes the modal. Causes onClose to be emitted. Returns a promise that resolves when the modal is completely hidden.

  • dismiss(): Promise

    Dismisses the modal. Causes onDismiss to be emitted. Returns a promise that resolves when the modal is completely hidden.



  • show-close: boolean, default: false

    Show or hide the close button in the header. Specify true to show.



  • show-default-buttons: boolean, default: false

    Show or hide the default 'Close' and 'Dismiss' buttons in the footer. Specify true to show.

  • close-button-label: string, default: 'Close'

    Change the label in the default 'Close' button in the footer. Has no effect if show-default-buttons aren't set.

  • dismiss-button-label: string, default: 'Dismiss'

    Change the label in the default 'Dismiss' button in the footer. Has no effect if show-default-buttons aren't set.


Default modal

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" (click)="modal.open()">Open me!</button>

<modal #modal>
    <modal-header [show-close]="true">
        <h4 class="modal-title">I'm a modal!</h4>
        Hello World!
    <modal-footer [show-default-buttons]="true"></modal-footer>


Static modal

This will create a modal that cannot be closed with the escape key or by clicking outside of the modal.

<modal #modal [keyboard]="false" [backdrop]="'static'">
    <modal-header [show-close]="false">
        <h4 class="modal-title">I'm a modal!</h4>
        Hello World!
    <modal-footer [show-default-buttons]="true"></modal-footer>

Use custom buttons in footer

<modal #modal>
        <h4 class="modal-title">I'm a modal!</h4>
        Hello World!
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" (click)="modal.dismiss()">Cancel</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="modal.close()">Ok</button>


Opening and closing the modal from a parent component

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { MODAL_DIRECTIVES, ModalComponent } from 'ng2-bs3-modal/ng2-bs3-modal';

    selector: 'parent-component',
    directives: [MODAL_DIRECTIVES],
    template: `
        <modal #myModal>
export class ParentComponent {
    modal: ModalComponent;

    close() {
    open() {

Autofocus on a textbox when modal is opened

<modal #modal>
        <h4 class="modal-title">I'm a modal!</h4>
        <div class="form-group">
            <label for="textbox">I'm a textbox!</label>
            <input autofocus type="text" class="form-control" id="textbox">
    <modal-footer [show-default-buttons]="true"></modal-footer>


git clone https://github.com/dougludlow/ng2-bs3-modal.git
npm install
npm run build


npm test

To tell karma to watch for changes:

npm run test-watch


Report all bugs and feature requests on the issue tracker.

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request.