Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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Example Bug
#624 opened by AlfonsoAndresRamos - 0
Feature request: support GitHub codespaces
#623 opened by tschm - 0
Feature request: move to marimo
#620 opened by tschm - 0
Feature request: move to uv
#619 opened by tschm - 0
Feature request: Remove cla implementation by Bailey
#616 opened by tschm - 0
Feature request: Bring in a deptry ci/cd job
#614 opened by tschm - 0
Feature request: Bring in dependabot
#613 opened by tschm - 0
Consider upgrading numpy dependency to v2
#605 opened by jlchereau - 2
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Erratic error while running EfficientFrontier
#563 opened by ck1178 - 1
Question: How to use PyPortfolioOpt for algo trading strategies rather than stocks/assets
#580 opened by ts-project - 3
Results not same as
#596 opened by hcleungca - 1
What is the right input to EfficientSemivariance?
#597 opened by codemaniac - 1
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Plotting efficient frontier
#601 opened by elGringo11 - 1
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#603 opened by nellymar225 - 3
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from pypfopt import plotting
#592 opened by Nilkanth2781 - 0
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Failure importing "plotting"
#577 opened by MacarocoFonseca - 1
pypfopt\ specifies an invalid style"seaborn-deep")
#581 opened by JonPoynter - 2
Add fama-french 3 and fama-french 5 factors (can be also 4 or 6) for expected returns
#595 opened by nikrizzi - 1
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Add constraints that ignore NaN scores
#593 opened by jamespanning - 0
OptimizationError: Please check your objectives/constraints or use a different solver.
#591 opened by indilyone - 7
question - who owns or maintains this package? Do you need help with maintenance?
#587 opened by fkiraly - 0
TypeErrors in "A quick example"
#589 opened by bsiegelwax - 0
e.g Could not install on Windows CMD (Have tried poetry but no success either, Help)
#586 opened by AtkinsonT - 0
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setting min and max weights on the stocks for "max_quadratic_utility" , with market_netural=True
#584 opened by blackivory - 3
Practical application
#578 opened by ErfolgreichCharismatisch - 1
Black Litterman efficient frontier Gamma Errror
#575 opened by alpserbet - 2
Random portfolios very bunched when following cookbook
#576 opened by cianryan09 - 2
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efficient_risk issue with global min vol
#569 opened by zkuang86 - 6
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The function could black_litterman.market_implied_prior_return should be revised
#574 opened by siliconMagic - 1
ARM64 Docker - cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#568 opened by JustinGuese - 4
Unable to import the plotting module 'seeborn-deep' not an available style
#562 opened by RicardoBlank - 0
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Not comptible with Python 3.12
#564 opened by BeachGuy007 - 11
Could not install on MacOS Ventura 13.2.1
#561 opened by Fabioozen - 1
RuntimeError: can't register atexit after shutdown when calling S = CovarianceShrinkage(df).ledoit_wolf()
#558 opened by c0indev3l - 0
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Feature request: Allow fractional shares (no rounding) in discrete allocation (post-processing)
#559 opened by yujinio