
Primary LanguageCMakeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


NOTE: For the latest stable README.md ensure you are on the main branch.


This is a collection of CMake modules that are useful for all CUDA RAPIDS projects. By sharing the code in a single place it makes rolling out CMake fixes easier.


The rapids-cmake module is designed to be acquired via CMake's Fetch Content into your project.


  GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/rapidsai/rapids-cmake.git


Note that we recommend you install rapids-cmake into the root CMakeLists.txt of your project before the first project call. This allows us to offer features such as rapids_cuda_architectures()


rapids-cmake provides a collection of useful CMake settings that any RAPIDS project may use. While they maybe common, we know that they aren't universal and might need to be composed in different ways.

To use function provided by rapids-cmake projects have two options:

  • Call include(rapids-<component>) as that imports all commonly used functions for that component
  • Load each function independently via include(${rapids-cmake-dir}/<component>/<function_name>.cmake)


Complete online documentation for all components is currently under development. Currently you can read the existing documentation by looking at the inline restructure text of each cmake file.


The rapids-cmake module contains helpful general CMake functionality

  • rapids_cmake_build_type( ) handles initialization of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
  • rapids_cmake_support_conda_env( target [MODIFY_PREFIX_PATH]) Establish a target that holds the CONDA enviornment include and link directories.


The rapids-cpm module contains CPM functionality to allow projects to acquire dependencies consistently. For consistentcy All targets brought in via rapids-cpm are GLOBAL targets.

  • raipds_cpm_init() handles initialization of the CPM module.
  • raipds_cpm_find(<project> name BUILD_EXPORT_SET <name> INSTALL_EXPORT_SET <name>) Will search for a module and fall back to installing via CPM. Offers support to track dependencies for easy package exporting


The rapids-cuda module contains core functionality to allow projects to build CUDA code robustly. The most commonly used function are:

  • rapids_cuda_init_architectures(<project_name>) handles initialization of CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURE. MUST BE CALLED BEFORE PROJECT()
  • rapids_cuda_init_runtime(<mode>) handles initialization of CMAKE_CUDA_RUNTIME_LIBRARY.


The rapids-export module contains core functionality to allow projects to easily record and write out build and install dependencies, that come from find_package or cpm

  • rapids_export_package(<type> <package_name> <export_set>) Explicitly record a find_package call for install or build exporting. Used by rapids_export to generate a correct config module.
  • rapids_export_cpm(<type> <package_name> <export_set>) Explicitly record a cpm call for install or build exporting. Used by rapids_export to generate a correct config module.
  • rapids_export_find_package_file(<type> <file_path> <export_set>) Explicitly record a custom Find<Pkg>.cmake file that is required for the install or build export set. Used by rapids_export to correctly install custom FindModules.
  • rapids_export(<type> <project> EXPORT_SET <name>) write out all the require components of a projects config module so that the install or build directory can be imported via find_package. See rapids_export documentation for full documentation


The rapids-find module contains core functionality to allow projects to easily generate FindModule or export find_package calls:

The most commonly used function are:

  • rapids_find_package(<project_name> BUILD_EXPORT_SET <name> INSTALL_EXPORT_SET <name> ) Combines find_package and support to track dependencies for easy package exporting
  • rapids_generate_module(<PackageName> HEADER_NAMES <paths...> LIBRARY_NAMES <names...> ) Generate a FindModule for the given package. Allows association to export sets so the generated FindModule can be shipped with the project


Review the CONTRIBUTING.md file for information on how to contribute code and issues to the project.