Clone of the simple Minecraft-inspired demo written in Python and Pyglet by fogleman. Name comes from the Heideggerian term In-der-Welt-sein, or, 'Being-in-the-world', which seems to work nicely with a game that can only simulate being in a world where you can only build or destruct! I hope to change textures, and build my only minecraft/sim city/lego throwback while learning a ton along the way.
How to Play
- K: Forward
- J: Back
- H: Strafe left
- L: Strafe right
- Mouse: Look around
- Space: Jump
- Tab: Toggle flying mode
- Selecting type of block to create:
- 1: Brick
- 2: Grass
- 3: Sand
- 4: Acacia
- 5: Oak
- 6: Smooth Stone
- 7: Water-ish
- Mouse left-click: remove block
- Mouse right-click: create block
- ESC: release mouse, then close window