Organization-API Version 1.0

By Robert Muthuri


This is a project for an API that allows a user access to general news and limited access to departmental news.

Technologies Used

  • Java programming language.
  • Gradle.
  • JUnit 4 Testing.
  • Spark Web Application Framework. Intellij IDEA. H2 db.

Known Bugs

  • There are no known bugs.

Support and contact details

If you would like to reach out regarding any issues you experience on the website, please get in touch at @robertmuthuri

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • There are no set up requirements for this website.
  • Clone or download the repository from GitHub.
  • Extract the archive in the directory to the appropriate directory.
  • Open the project using your preferred editor.
  • You can test the links using Postman.


This work is licensed by CC Share Alike. Copyright (c) 2019