Bacon Coffee 🥓

This project was made as a initial challenge to join Bichinhos da TI volunteer work. I halted this one as the main project at Bichinhos is starting. I learned many skills and technologies with this project.

Description 📑

We had a briefing that asked for a solution at a coffee shop that needed to handle high demands. Main functions are the shop, order, checkout and admin.

Stacks on this project 🔧

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React

Contents 💻

  • Javascript
    • Array functions;
    • JSON manipulation.
  • CSS
    • CSS Modules for local scope.
  • React
    • Core React Hooks;
    • React Router;
    • React State Management;
    • Atomic Design for File Structure.

Results ✅

Final result can be found on this link!

Links 🔎