
Primary LanguagePython



  • Python 3.10 sudo apt install python3.10
  • Pip sudo apt install python-pip
  • VirtualEnv sudo pip install virtualenv


Clone the project:

git clone git@github.com:robertoarruda/mozio.git

Enter the project directory:

cd ./mozio

Create the Environment:

Within the project root, run the command below:

virtualenv venv --python=python3.10

Activate the environment:

Run the command below to enable:

source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

Run the command below to install the project dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run API:

Execute the command below to run the crawler:

python manage.py manage.py runserver

Turn off the environment:

Execute the command below to deactivate:


Online demo

Documentation [AWS]: http://ec2-54-234-41-253.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000/provider/ Documentation [DigitalOcean]:


  • [GET] /provider/
// Response
        "_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919"
        "name": "Provider Name",
        "email": "test@test.com",
        "phone_number": "+5511991009887",
        "language": "language",
        "currency": "BRL"
  • [POST] /provider/
// Body
    "name": "Provider Name",
    "email": "test@test.com",
    "phone_number": "+5511991009887",
    "language": "language",
    "currency": "BRL"
  • [GET] /provider/[id]
// Response
    "_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919"
    "name": "Provider Name",
    "email": "test@test.com",
    "phone_number": "+5511991009887",
    "language": "language",
    "currency": "BRL"
  • [PUT] /provider/[id]
// Body
    "name": "Provider Name UPDATED",
    "email": "test@test.com",
    "phone_number": "+5511991009887",
    "language": "language",
    "currency": "BRL"
  • [PATCH] /provider/[id]
// Body
    "name": "Provider Name UPDATED"
  • [DELETE] /provider/[id]
// No content

Service area

  • [GET] /provider/service_area
// Response
        "_id": "f530f9184f1d2b89f2262991",
        "provider_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919",
        "name": "Service area",
        "price": 100.0,
        "location": {
            "type": "Polygon",
            "coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]
  • [POST] /provider/service_area
// Body
	"provider_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919",
	"name": "Service area",
	"price": 100.0,
	"location": {
		"type": "Polygon",
		"coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]
  • [GET] /provider/service_area/[id]
// Response
    "_id": "f530f9184f1d2b89f2262991",
	"provider_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919",
	"name": "Service area",
	"price": 100.0,
	"location": {
		"type": "Polygon",
		"coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]
  • [PUT] /provider/service_area/[id]
// Body
    "_id": "f530f9184f1d2b89f2262991",
	"provider_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919",
	"name": "Service area UPDATED",
	"price": 100.0,
	"location": {
		"type": "Polygon",
		"coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]
  • [PATCH] /provider/service_area/[id]
// Body
    "name": "Service area UPDATED"
  • [DELETE] /provider/service_area/[id]
// No content

List providers by service area location

  • [GET] /provider/by_service_area_location/?lat=[lat]&lng=[lng]
// Response
        "_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919"
        "name": "Provider Name",
        "email": "test@test.com",
        "phone_number": "+5511991009887",
        "language": "language",
        "currency": "BRL"
		'service_areas': [
                "_id": "f530f9184f1d2b89f2262991",
                "provider_id": "9d2b85918f1f262230ff4919",
                "name": "Service area",
                "price": 100.0,
                "location": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]
        "_id": "2230ff49d2b85f26918f1919"
        "name": "Provider Name 2",
        "email": "test2@test.com",
        "phone_number": "+5514991098870",
        "language": "language",
        "currency": "BRL"
		'service_areas': [
                "_id": "d2b89f22f530f9184f162991",
                "provider_id": "2230ff49d2b85f26918f1919",
                "name": "Service area 2",
                "price": 50.0,
                "location": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [[[-73.958, 40.8003], [-73.9498, 40.7968], [-73.9737, 40.7648], [-73.9814, 40.7681], [-73.958, 40.8003]]]