
Extract animate.css css classes to json or js module file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Animate.css class extractor

The command tries first to extract the css classes from the animate.css available in your current project / work folder.

In the case animate.css is not available from the current project folder use the animate.css provided by the command itself as depencie.

Npm package : https://www.npmjs.com/package/animate-css-class-extractor


$ npx animate-css-class-extractor

Parse file: .../node_modules/animate.css/source/animate.css
Save JSON file: .../2020-12-19_22-34__animate.css__v4.1.1.json ... OK
Save JS file: .../2020-12-19_22-34__animate.css__v4.1.1.js ... OK


const { extractCssClasses } = require('animate-css-class-extractor')

const animations = extractCssClasses()

//-> animations
  'Attention seekers': [
    'bounce',    'flash',
    'pulse',     'rubberBand',
    'shakeX',    'shakeY',
    'headShake', 'swing',
    'tada',      'wobble',
    'jello',     'heartBeat'
  'Back entrances': [ 'backInDown', 'backInLeft', 'backInRight', 'backInUp' ],
  'Back exits': [ 'backOutDown', 'backOutLeft', 'backOutRight', 'backOutUp' ],
  'Bouncing entrances': [
  'Bouncing exits': [
  'Fading entrances': [
  'Fading exits': [
  Flippers: [ 'flip', 'flipInX', 'flipInY', 'flipOutX', 'flipOutY' ],
  Lightspeed: [
  'Rotating entrances': [
  'Rotating exits': [
  Specials: [ 'hinge', 'jackInTheBox', 'rollIn', 'rollOut' ],
  'Zooming entrances': [ 'zoomIn', 'zoomInDown', 'zoomInLeft', 'zoomInRight', 'zoomInUp' ],
  'Zooming exits': [
  'Sliding entrances': [ 'slideInDown', 'slideInLeft', 'slideInRight', 'slideInUp' ],
  'Sliding exits': [ 'slideOutDown', 'slideOutLeft', 'slideOutRight', 'slideOutUp' ]




Animate.css by Daniel Eden http://daneden.github.io/animate.css