
A telegram bot for generating color palettes from images

Primary LanguagePython


A telegram bot for generating color palettes from images.



or search for

on your Telegram.

To use it:

  • Send the source image to the bot.

  • Repy to the sent image with the command /palette to get a 5 color palette or with /palette N replacing the N with the number of colors you want (between 2 and 10).

  • I don't have a propper server set up, if it doesn't respond, it's because it's offline.

This is built in Python3, mainly using the python_telegram_bot library.

The colors for the palette are found by applying the k-means clustering method on the vector of pixels of the image. Currently, this is done over the hue, saturation, value color space. 2*N cores are found this way, and the best of them are chosen.